/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ezlocal-dish-js モジュール -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %dll ; モジュール名 ezlocal-dish-js %ver ; バージョン 2.7 %date ; 更新日 2025/1/3 %author ; 著作者 MIZUSHIKI %note HSP3Dish.jsのローカル動作環境を構築。 nginx(ローカルサーバ環境)を自動インストールします。 */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __ezlocal_dish_js__ // 二重定義を防止 #define __ezlocal_dish_js__ // 追加命令(global) - ezjs時にも必要 #undef delete #define global delete(%1) if dir_exe==""{exec "FS.unlink('"+(%1)+"');"}else{delete@hsp %1} // バグ修正 - ezjs時にも必要 ;#if __hspver__ <= 14089 // HSP3.7beta9以下 #undef lpeek #define global ctype lpeek(%1,%2=0) (peek(%1,(%2)+3)<<24|peek(%1,(%2)+2)<<16|peek(%1,(%2)+1)<<8|peek(%1,(%2))) #undef wpeek #define global ctype wpeek(%1,%2=0) (peek(%1,(%2)+1)<<8|peek(%1,(%2))) #undef lpoke #define global lpoke(%1,%2=0,%3=0) poke %1,(%2),(%3)&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+1,(%3)>>8&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+2,(%3)>>16&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+3,(%3)>>24&$FF #undef wpoke #define global wpoke(%1,%2=0,%3=0) poke %1,(%2),(%3)&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+1,(%3)>>8&$FF ;#endif // --if __hspver__ <= 14089 #ifndef _debug #define ezlocalJS(%1=0,%2=0) logmes "" // dishjs_devtypeだけ生かす #ifndef dishjs_devtype #module ezLocalDishJs //-------------------------------------- // 追加命令(global) - ezjs時にも必要 //-------------------------------------- device_type = 0 // 未初期化対処 #defcfunc dishjs_devtype if dir_exe!="" : return 0 if device_type != 0 : return device_type exec {" let deviceType = 1; const agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if( /iphone|ipod/.test(agent) ){ deviceType = 2; }else if(/ipad|macintosh/.test(agent) && "ontouchend" in document){ deviceType = 3; }else if(/android.+mobile/.test(agent)){ deviceType = 4; }else if(/android/.test(agent)){ deviceType = 5; } HEAP32["}+varptr(device_type)+{" >> 2] = deviceType; "} return device_type #global #endif #else // - ifndef _debug #runtime "" ; 通常ランタイムに上書き #define ezlocalJS(%1=0,%2=-1) if __file__=="???"{ dialog "スクリプトをファイルとして保存する必要があります",1,"ezlocal-dish-js" } else { _ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs = __file__ : onerror 0 : ezlocal_dish_js %1,%2 } : stop #include "hspinet.as" #include "mod_regexp.as" #module ezLocalDishJs #uselib "hspext.dll" #func fxren fxren 5 #if __hspver__ < 14081 ; 0x3701未満 #func pipeexec pipeexec 5 #else // - if __hspver__ < 14081 #func pipeexec pipeexec $202 #endif // --if __hspver__ < 14081 #func pipeget pipeget $83 #func dirlist2 dirlist2 5 #func dirlist2h dirlist2h 0 #uselib "user32.dll" #func EnableWindow "EnableWindow" int,int #cfunc GetDlgCtrlID "GetDlgCtrlID" sptr #cfunc GetForegroundWindow "GetForegroundWindow" #cfunc GetSysColorBrush "GetSysColorBrush" sptr #cfunc LoadCursor "LoadCursorA" sptr,sptr #func SetClassLong "SetClassLongA" sptr,sptr,sptr #func SetWindowPos "SetWindowPos" sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr #func ShowWindow "ShowWindow" int, int #uselib "kernel32.dll" #func CopyFile "CopyFileA" sptr,sptr,int #uselib "gdi32.dll" #func SetBkMode "SetBkMode" sptr,sptr #func SetTextColor "SetTextColor" sptr,sptr #uselib "shlwapi.dll" #func PathIsDirectory "PathIsDirectoryA" sptr #uselib "msvcrt" #func rename "rename" str, str #uselib "qrcodelib.dll" #func QRcode_encodeString "QRcode_encodeString" str,int,int,int,int #func QRcode_free "QRcode_free" int // マクロ #define AnonLabel %tanonymouslabel *%i:if(0):*%o:if(1) #if __hspver__ < 13573 ; HSP3.5beta5未満 #undef mes #define global mes(%1,%2=0) mes@hsp %1:if %2{pos ginfo_cx+ginfo_mesx,ginfo_cy-ginfo_mesy}: #endif // --if __hspver__ < 13573 // 未初期化対処 res = 0 result = "" WshShell = 0 created_apache_controller = 0 _ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs = "" idchkbox_landscapefit = 0 hStatic_noticeNonIni = 0 showed_localhost_link = 0 textStatic_localhost = "" bmscr = 0 hbrush = 0 p = 0 refs = "" dummy = "" topfoldername_unzip = "" d2size = 0 pfolderw = 0 scriptSource = "" inifilesource = "" htmlsource = "" tooltip_inited = 0 mrefRefstr = "" hEdit_SourceScript = 0 ft1 = 0 ft2 = 0 ft3 = 0 isActive_DishHelper = 0 jsSource = "" hStatic_localhost = 0 hStatic_htmlFolder = 0 // ezlocalJS #deffunc ezlocal_dish_js int _ezLDJ_option, int _ezLDJ_checkOption ezLDJ_option = _ezLDJ_option ezLDJ_checkOption = _ezLDJ_checkOption //---------------- // ディレクトリ確保 //---------------- _dir_cur_ = dir_cur exist _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) ; 既にカレントディレクトリが変更されてないか確認 if strsize == -1 : dialog "すでにカレントディレクトリが変更されている可能性があります。\n\nなるべくスクリプトの冒頭かつ #include \"hsp3dish.as\" の真下で ezlocal-dish-js をインクルードしてください。", 1, "ezlocal-dish-js" : end //---------------- // qrcodelib.dll 確認、出力 //---------------- if varptr(QRcode_encodeString) == 0 { dialog "qrcodelib.dll が検出されませんでした。\nカレントディレクトリにファイルを出力してもよろしいですか?\n\nカレントディレクトリ\n-------------------------\n"+dir_cur, 3, "ezlocal-dish-js" if stat != 6 : end OutputQrcodelibDll dir_cur dialog "qrcodelib.dll を出力しました。\n\nもう一度、「実行」をしてください。", 0, "ezlocal-dish-js" end } //---------------- // 多重起動禁止 //---------------- res = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^ezlocal-dish-js$") if res != 0 : sendmsg res, 0x0010/*WM_CLOSE*/, 0, 0 //---------------- // window作成 //---------------- screen ginfo_sel, 640, 480 title "ezlocal-dish-js" oncmd gosub *command, 0x0111/*WM_COMMAND*/ oncmd gosub *ctlcolorstatic, 0x0138/*WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC*/ onexit goto *quit //---------------- // initialize //---------------- PATH_NGINX_FOLDER = "" exist "C:\\nginx\\nginx.exe" if strsize != -1 { exist "C:\\nginx\\php\\php-cgi.exe" if strsize != -1 : PATH_NGINX_FOLDER = "C:\\nginx" ; 後でnginx-1.27.1等のフォルダも調べる } PATH_PHP_FOLDER = "" htdocsFolderPath = "" title_DishHelper = "" check_DebugOut = 0 check_hgimg4 = 0 sdim dhjsFileName_paths, 1024, 1 sdim pipe_ln, 512000 sdim pipe_buf, 512000 sysfont 0 // オプション chkbox_ezLocalAdjust = 1 chkbox_saveToBrowser = 0 button_openOptions = 0 //---------------- // nginx環境確認 //---------------- if PATH_NGINX_FOLDER == "" { notesel result chdir "C:\\" dirlist result, "nginx*", 5 : res = stat chdir _dir_cur_ repeat res, 1 noteget refs, res - cnt refs = "C:\\" + refs exist refs + "\\nginx.exe" if strsize != -1 { exist refs + "\\php\\php-cgi.exe" if strsize != -1 : break } refs = "" loop PATH_NGINX_FOLDER = refs noteunsel } if PATH_NGINX_FOLDER != "" { mes "HSP3Dish.js ローカル環境("+getpath(PATH_NGINX_FOLDER, 8)+")を検出" sysfont 17 : color 160,160,160 mes "  ・アンインストールしたい場合は「"+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"」フォルダを削除するだけでOKです。" sysfont 0 : color mes "" }else { ezLDJ_option = 0 ; 自動操作オプション - インストール時は使用不可 isNoNginxStart = 1 PATH_NGINX_FOLDER = "C:\\nginx" repeat 16, 2 PathIsDirectory PATH_NGINX_FOLDER ; フォルダの存在を確認する if stat == 0 : break PATH_NGINX_FOLDER = "C:\\nginx_"+cnt loop //---------------- // PC環境情報を取得 //---------------- // PCのビットを確認 newcom WshShell, "WScript.Shell" PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = WshShell("ExpandEnvironmentStrings","%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%") PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 = WshShell("ExpandEnvironmentStrings","%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%") delcom WshShell bitStr = "-x64" ; x64 if PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE == "x86" && PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 != "AMD64" : bitStr = "-x86" ; x86 // ダウンロードフォルダ取得 folderPath_downloads = GetKnownFolderPath("{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}") PathIsDirectory folderPath_downloads if stat == 0 : folderPath_downloads = dirinfo(0x0001001c/*DIRINFO_LOCAL_APPDATA*/) + "\\Temp" ; ユーザー/AppData/Local/Tempフォルダ //---------------- // nginx ダウンロード, インストール //---------------- mes "HSP3Dish.js をローカルで実行できるようにする環境を構築" sysfont 17 mes "" : pos 2, ginfo_cy - ginfo_mesy/2 mes "  ・nginx,PHP-FPMをインストールします。(レジストリは変更されません)" mes "  ・Cドライブ直下に「"+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"」フォルダが作られます。" mes "  ・アンインストールは「"+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"」フォルダを削除するだけでOKです。" mes "" objsize 250, 30 button goto "nginx(ローカルサーバ環境)をインストール", *inst_nginx hw_inst_nginx = objinfo_hwnd(stat) stop *inst_nginx EnableWindow hw_inst_nginx, 0 //---------------- // プログレスバー作成 //---------------- cx = 260 cy = ginfo_cy - 30 pos cx, cy mes "" winobj "msctls_progress32", "", , $50000000, 350, 16 hw_Progress = objinfo(stat, 2) //---------------- // ダウンロード //---------------- pos cx, cy mes "nginx ダウンロード中 "+strf("% 4.1f %%",0.0) // 最新版zipのURLを調査 netinit@ neturl@ "https://nginx.org/en/download.html" netrequest_get@ "" do : wait 5 : netexec@ res : until res sdim buf, netgetv_size@() netgetv@ buf ; 受信データ result = submatch(buf, "href=\"\\.?(/download/nginx\\-\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.zip)\"") if result == "" : mes "zipファイルのURLが見つかりませんでした" : stop downloadZipUrl = "https://nginx.org" + result // ダウンロード処理 Downloader downloadZipUrl, folderPath_downloads, AnonLabel{ redraw 0 : color 255,255,255 : boxf cx, cy, ginfo_sx, cy+16 : color pos cx, cy : mes "nginx ダウンロード中 "+refstr : redraw 1 sendmsg hw_Progress, $402, int(refstr) return } zipFilePath = refstr pos 2, cy+16 : mes "" if zipFilePath == "" : dialog "ダウンロードに失敗しました", 1, "ezlocal-dish-js" : stop ; フォルダ //---------------- // アーカイブ展開 //---------------- // unzip処理 Unzipper zipFilePath, "C:\\", AnonLabel{ redraw 0 : color 255,255,255 : boxf cx, cy, ginfo_sx, cy+16 : color pos cx, cy : mes "nginx ダウンロード完了 → ZIP展開中 "+refstr : redraw 1 sendmsg hw_Progress, $402, int(refstr) return } _nginxPath = refstr redraw 0 : color 255,255,255 : boxf cx, cy, ginfo_sx, cy+16 : color pos cx, cy : mes "nginx ダウンロード完了 → ZIP展開完了" : redraw 1 sendmsg hw_Progress, $402, 0 pos 2, cy+30 : mes "" fxren _nginxPath, PATH_NGINX_FOLDER exist zipFilePath if strsize != -1 : delete@hsp zipFilePath //---------------- // PHP-FPM ダウンロード, インストール //---------------- //---------------- // ダウンロード //---------------- color 255,255,255 : boxf cx, cy, ginfo_sx, cy+16 : color pos cx, cy mes "nginx インストール完了 → PHP-FPM ダウンロード中 "+strf("% 4.1f %%",0.0) // 最新版zipのURLを調査 netinit@ neturl@ "https://windows.php.net/download/" netrequest_get@ "" do : wait 5 : netexec@ res : until res sdim buf, netgetv_size@() netgetv@ buf ; 受信データ result = submatch(buf, "href=\"\\.?(/downloads/releases/php\\-\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\-nts\\-Win32\\-vs\\d+\\"+bitStr+"\\.zip)\"") if result == "" : mes "zipファイルのURLが見つかりませんでした" : stop downloadZipUrl = "https://windows.php.net" + result // ダウンロード処理 Downloader downloadZipUrl, folderPath_downloads, AnonLabel{ redraw 0 : color 255,255,255 : boxf cx, cy, ginfo_sx, cy+16 : color pos cx, cy : mes "nginx インストール完了 → PHP-FPM ダウンロード中 "+refstr : redraw 1 sendmsg hw_Progress, $402, int(refstr) return } zipFilePath = refstr pos 2, cy+16 : mes "" if zipFilePath == "" : dialog "ダウンロードに失敗しました", 1, "ezlocal-dish-js" : stop ; フォルダ //---------------- // アーカイブ展開 //---------------- // unzip処理 Unzipper zipFilePath, PATH_NGINX_FOLDER, AnonLabel{ redraw 0 : color 255,255,255 : boxf cx, cy, ginfo_sx, cy+16 : color pos cx, cy : mes "nginx インストール完了 → PHP-FPM ダウンロード完了 → ZIP展開中 "+refstr : redraw 1 sendmsg hw_Progress, $402, int(refstr) return } _nginxPath = refstr redraw 0 : color 255,255,255 : boxf cx, cy, ginfo_sx, cy+16 : color pos cx, cy : mes "nginx インストール完了 → PHP-FPM インストール完了" : redraw 1 sendmsg hw_Progress, $402, 0 pos 2, cy+30 : mes "" fxren _nginxPath, PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\php" exist zipFilePath if strsize != -1 : delete@hsp zipFilePath //---------------- // PHP-FPM用にデータ書き換え //---------------- exist PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\conf\\nginx.conf" if strsize != -1 { notesel result : noteload PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\conf\\nginx.conf" refs = match(result, "^\\s*#location\\s+\\~\\s+\\\\\\.php\\$\\s*\\{,*?\n\\s*#\\s*root\\s+[\\s\\S]+?#\\}") ; 最初の「location / 」内の if refs != "" { refs = replace(refs, "#", "") refs = replace(refs, "(fastcgi_param\\s+SCRIPT_FILENAME\\s+)/scripts(\\$fastcgi_script_name;)", "$1$document_root$2") result = replace(result, "^\\s*#location\\s+\\~\\s+\\\\\\.php\\$\\s*\\{,*?\n\\s*#\\s*root\\s+[\\s\\S]+?#\\}", refs) } notesave PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\conf\\nginx.conf" : noteunsel } exist PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\php\\php.ini-development" if strsize != -1 { notesel result : noteload PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\php\\php.ini-development" result = replace(result, "^;extension_dir = \"ext\"", "extension_dir = \"ext\"") result = replace(result, "^;extension=bz2", "extension=bz2") result = replace(result, "^;extension=curl", "extension=curl") result = replace(result, "^;extension=fileinfo", "extension=fileinfo") result = replace(result, "^;extension=gettext", "extension=gettext") result = replace(result, "^;extension=mbstring", "extension=mbstring") result = replace(result, "^;extension=exif", "extension=exif") result = replace(result, "^;extension=mysqli", "extension=mysqli") result = replace(result, "^;extension=pdo_mysql", "extension=pdo_mysql") result = replace(result, "^;extension=pdo_sqlite", "extension=pdo_sqlite") result = replace(result, "^;extension=sqlite3", "extension=sqlite3") notesave PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\php\\php.ini" : noteunsel } } //のrootフォルダを調査 exist PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\conf\\nginx.conf" if strsize != -1 { notesel result : noteload PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\conf\\nginx.conf" : noteunsel result = submatch(result, "^\\s*location\\s+/\\s*\\{([\\s\\S]+?)\\}") ; 最初の「location / 」内の result = submatch(result, "^\\s*root\\s+(.+?);") ; 「root」がserverのrootであると決め打ち if result != "" { result = replace(result, "/", "\\") result = replace(result, "^\\.\\\\", "") refs = PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\" repeat if strmid(result, 0, 3) != "..\\" : break result = strmid(result, 3, strlen(result)) refs = getpath(strtrim(refs, 2, '\\'), 32) loop PathIsDirectory result if stat == 0 : htdocsFolderPath = refs + result : else : htdocsFolderPath = refs } } if htdocsFolderPath == "" : htdocsFolderPath = PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\html" // PHP-FPMフォルダを調査 exist PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\php\\php-cgi.exe" if strsize != -1 : PATH_PHP_FOLDER = PATH_NGINX_FOLDER + "\\php" : else : PATH_PHP_FOLDER = "" if PATH_PHP_FOLDER == "" { notesel result dirCur = _dir_cur_ chdir getpath(PATH_NGINX_FOLDER, 32) dirlist result, "php*", 5 : res = stat chdir _dir_cur_ temp_PATH_NGINX_FOLDER = strtrim(PATH_NGINX_FOLDER, 2, '\\') repeat res, 1 noteget refs, res - cnt refs = temp_PATH_NGINX_FOLDER +"\\"+ refs exist refs + "\\php-cgi.exe" : if strsize != -1 : break refs = "" loop PATH_PHP_FOLDER = refs noteunsel } // /nginx環境確認 //---------------- // HSP3Dish helper //---------------- sysfont 0 mes "HSP3Dish helper でスクリプトをHTMLソースに変換" sysfont 17 mes "" : pos 2, ginfo_cy - ginfo_mesy/2 objsize 250, 30 button gosub "HSP3Dish helper 起動", *open_dishelper objsize 105, 18 : pos ginfo_cx + 265, ginfo_cy-18 button gosub "hsp3dish.ini 編集", *open_dishini hButton_editHspDishIni = objinfo_hwnd(stat) SetTooltip objinfo_hwnd(stat), "hsp3dish.iniファイルを開きます。\nezlocal-dish-js独自のオプションもあります。(仕様はマニュアルを参照)" pos ginfo_cx - 265 mes "  ・HSP3Dish helper内の設定は特に変更しなくても大丈夫です。" mes "  ・HSP3Dish helper起動後、ウィンドウ内の ",1:color 255:mes "「変換」ボタン",1:color:mes " を押してください。":pos 2 mes "" cx=ginfo_cx : cy = ginfo_cy //---------------- // 出力HTMLをいじるかどうかのオプション //---------------- exist _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" if strsize != -1 { notesel iniFileSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" : noteunsel if match(iniFileSource, "^\\s*chkbox_ezLocalAdjust\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") != "" : chkbox_ezLocalAdjust = int( submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*chkbox_ezLocalAdjust\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") ) == 1 if match(iniFileSource, "^\\s*chkbox_saveToBrowser\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") != "" : chkbox_saveToBrowser = int( submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*chkbox_saveToBrowser\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") ) == 1 if match(iniFileSource, "^\\s*chkbox_landscapeFit\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") != "" : chkbox_landscapeFit = int( submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*chkbox_landscapeFit\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") ) == 1 if match(iniFileSource, "^\\s*button_openOptions\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") != "" : button_openOptions = int( submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*button_openOptions\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") ) == 1 } pos 402, ginfo_cy - ginfo_mesy*3 - 50 grpbox "HTML調整オプション", 228, 83 hGrpbox_optionGroup = objinfo_hwnd(stat) pos ginfo_cx+7, ginfo_cy-63 objsize 213, 18 button gosub "出力HTMLにスマホ表示等の調整を行う",AnonLabel{chkbox_ezLocalAdjust=1-chkbox_ezLocalAdjust:objenable idChkbox_landscapeFit,chkbox_ezLocalAdjust:return} : hChkbox_ezlocalAdjust = objinfo_hwnd(stat) : SetTooltip objinfo_hwnd(stat), "出力するHTMLにいくつかおすすめの調整を行います。\n------\n・スマホ画面に合わせた表示解像度\n・外周枠線の除去\n・システムメッセージボックスを通常非表示、横幅微減\n・ヘッダで非表示にしきれていない要素を非表示に\n・「デバッグ情報を出力する」でlogmesをシステムメッセージ表示" : sendmsg hChkbox_ezlocalAdjust, $F4, $3 : sendmsg hChkbox_ezlocalAdjust, $F1, chkbox_ezLocalAdjust pos ginfo_cx+18:objsize 213-18,18: chkbox "スマホ横向き全画面FIT(β機能)", chkbox_landscapeFit : idChkbox_landscapeFit = stat : hChkbox_landscapeFit = objinfo_hwnd(stat) : objenable idChkbox_landscapeFit,chkbox_ezLocalAdjust : SetTooltip objinfo_hwnd(stat), "ゲーム画面が横長サイズのとき、スマホを横向きにしたら全画面FITするようにHTMLを調整します。\n------\n「ページをある程度下までスクロールしてURLバーを消していると、横向きになってもURLバーが表示されず全画面表示になる」という性質を利用しています。" : pos ginfo_cx-18 : objsize 213, 18 chkbox "ブラウザ上にデータ保存できるようにする", chkbox_saveToBrowser : idChkbox_saveToBrowser = stat : hChkbox_saveToBrowser = objinfo_hwnd(stat) : SetTooltip objinfo_hwnd(stat), "HTMLソースにsaveフォルダのようなものが作られアクセスできるような調整を行います。\nHSP上ではsaveフォルダ以下にファイル保存した後「devcontrol \"syncfs\"」を実行することで、ユーザーのブラウザ上に情報を保存できます。" if $3602 <= __hspver__ && __hspver__ <= $3702 && hspver <= $3702 : chkbox_saveToBrowser = 0 : EnableWindow hChkbox_saveToBrowser, 0 : objprm idChkbox_saveToBrowser, "ブラウザ上データ保存/hsp3.51or3.7β3〜" : objprm idChkbox_saveToBrowser, chkbox_saveToBrowser objsize 20, 20 button_openOptions = 1 - button_openOptions pos ginfo_sx-10-20, 5 : button gosub "+", *show_hide_OptionObj : if 0 : *show_hide_OptionObj : { button_openOptions = 1 - button_openOptions ShowWindow hButton_editHspDishIni, button_openOptions ShowWindow hGrpbox_optionGroup, button_openOptions ShowWindow hChkbox_ezlocalAdjust, button_openOptions ShowWindow hChkbox_landscapeFit, button_openOptions ShowWindow hChkbox_saveToBrowser, button_openOptions return } SetTooltip objinfo_hwnd(stat), "追加オプション" gosub *show_hide_OptionObj pos cx, cy sysfont 0 // ファイル名に全角が含まれていたら警告 if match(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, "[^ -~。-゚]") != "" : dialog "スクリプトファイル名は、必ず「半角英数のみのファイル名(日本語(全角)を使わない)」ようにしてください。", 1, "ezlocal-dish-js" //---------------- // DishHelper-console, apache, localhostリンク チェック - メインループ //---------------- // checkルーチンに入る前に既にconsoleが表示されていたらこれを見つけても無視するようにする hWnd_DishConsole = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^console$") if hWnd_DishConsole != 0 : mae_hEdit_DishConsole = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishConsole,, "Edit", "") ; 最初のEdit mae_isRunHttpdExe = -1 createdHtmlName = "" ; HSP3Dish helperによって作成されたHTMLファイル名を記録してフラグとする //---------------- // ezLDJ_option >= 1 : (1) もし『HSP3Dish helperが起動済みなら』ソーススクリプト欄にファイル名を入力(「HSP3Dish helper 起動」ボタンを押したことにする) //---------------- if SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^HSP3Dish helper") == 0 : ezLDJ_option = 0 if ezLDJ_option >= 1 : gosub *open_dishelper //---------------- // ezLDJ_option >= 2 : (2) もし『(1)が成功していたら』「変換」ボタンを自動で押す //---------------- if ezLDJ_option >= 2 : gosub *autoPush_dishelper_henkan //---------------- // ezLDJ_option >= 3 : (3) もし『(2)が成功してnginx.exeも起動済みなら』htmlリンクを自動クリックさせてブラウザでゲームを表示する //---------------- isRunHttpdExe = isRunProcess("nginx.exe") if isRunHttpdExe == 0 : ezLDJ_option = 0 repeat , 1 if cnt\2 == 0 : isRunHttpdExe = isRunProcess("nginx.exe") ; 処理が重そうなので2回に1回だけ //---------------- // DishHelper-check : 「デバッグ情報を出力する」チェックボックスを常に監視 //---------------- gosub *check_dishdebug //---------------- // DishHelper-check_active : ウィンドウがアクティブになったかを常に監視 //---------------- gosub *check_dishactive //---------------- // DishHelper-console : 「変換」ボタンによってconsoleが書き変わったか常に監視 //---------------- gosub *check_dishconsole //---------------- // apache - start/stopボタン表示 : consoleによってHTMLが作成されたか、httpd.exeが起動しているか監視 //---------------- if stat == 1 || isRunHttpdExe { gosub *create_apache_controller } if mae_isRunHttpdExe != isRunHttpdExe { // apacheの起動終了が変化したときボタンの使用可不可も変更 gosub *buttonEnabler_apache_controller } mae_isRunHttpdExe = isRunHttpdExe //---------------- // localhostリンク - dish.js実行準備ができたか監視。OKならURLやフォルダへのリンクを表示する //---------------- if createdHtmlName != "" && created_apache_controller && isRunHttpdExe { gosub *show_localhost_link if stat == 1 { ; link作成時 //---------------- // ezLDJ_option >= 3 : (3) もし『(2)が成功してnginx.exeも起動済みなら』htmlリンクを自動クリックさせてブラウザでゲームを表示する //---------------- if ezLDJ_option >= 3 : ezLDJ_option = 0 : exec textStatic_localhost, 16 } } wait 50 loop stop //-------------------------------------- // HSP3Dish helper起動 // ・「hsp3dish.js」ボタン押下 // ・「ソーススクリプト」inputにファイルパスを記入 //-------------------------------------- *open_dishelper //---------------- // ソーススクリプトを検索してdata(res)フォルダが必要そうか軽く調べ無ければ警告する //---------------- notesel scriptSource exist _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) if strsize != -1 : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) noteunsel // dataフォルダ PathIsDirectory _dir_cur_ + "\\data" if stat == 0 { warn_ss = -1 : warn_dotfw = -1 warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"^\\s*#include\\s+\"dotfw.as\"")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : warn_dotfw = 0 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"^\\s*#include\\s+\"mod_vpad.as\"")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : warn_dotfw = 0 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"#pack ") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"#pack\t") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"#epack") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"picload") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"celload") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"mmload") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"\"(?!res[/\\\\])[^\"]*?\\.png\"")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"\"(?!res[/\\\\])[^\"]*?\\.bmp\"")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"\"(?!res[/\\\\])[^\"]*?\\.jpg\"")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"\"(?!res[/\\\\])[^\"]*?\\.wav\"")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"df_loadbgmap") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"df_setbgpicfile") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,".tmap") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss *esc_warn_ss if warn_ss != -1 { warn_addText = "" : if warn_dotfw != -1 : warn_addText = "\n\n--------------------\n「dotfw.as」を読み込む場合は基本素材である「tamane16.png」や「afont8.png」が必要な他、バーチャルパッドを使う場合は「vpad.png」も必要になります。" dialog "「data」フォルダがありません。\n\n使用する外部ファイルがある場合は「data」フォルダを作成して、その中に外部ファイルをまとめる必要があるので注意してください。"+warn_addText, 1, "ezlocal-dish-js" } } // resフォルダ if match(scriptSource,"^\\s*#include\\s+\"hgimg4.as\"") != ""{ PathIsDirectory _dir_cur_ + "\\res" if stat == 0 { PathIsDirectory dir_exe + "\\sample\\hgimg4\\res" if stat != 0 { dialog "「res」フォルダがありません。\nHGIMG4の3D描画使用時にはシェーダーファイルをまとめた「res\\shaders」フォルダが必要になります。\n\n「HSP3フォルダ\\sample\\hgimg4\\res」フォルダをカレントディレクトリにコピーしますか?", 2, "ezlocal-dish-js" if stat == 6 { CopyFolder dir_exe + "\\sample\\hgimg4\\res", _dir_cur_ + "\\res" } } } } //---------------- // HSP3Dish helper起動 //---------------- if SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^HSP3Dish helper") == 0 : exec dir_exe+"\\hsp3dh.exe" repeat hWnd_DishHelper = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^HSP3Dish helper") if hWnd_DishHelper != 0 : title_DishHelper = refstr : break wait 10 loop SetWindowPos hWnd_DishHelper,-1,0,0,0,0,3 //ウィンドウを「常に最前面」の状態にする SetWindowPos hWnd_DishHelper,-2,0,0,0,0,3 //「常に最前面」の状態を解除 //---------------- // 「hsp3dish.js」ボタン押下 //---------------- hButton_hsp3dishjs = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "^hsp3dish.js$") if hButton_hsp3dishjs != 0 : sendmsg hWnd_DishHelper, $111/*WM_COMMAND*/, GetDlgCtrlID(hButton_hsp3dishjs) | 0<<16, 0 // Button Push! : wparam(ボタンID | BN_CLICKED等通知コード<<16) を親ウィンドウに送信 // 切り替わり待ち repeat if SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "^hsp3dish.js$") == 0 : break wait 10 loop //---------------- // 「ソーススクリプト」inputにファイルパスを入力 // ・ver.1.6以下 : data強制 // ・ver.1.94-hsp37beta3以下 : .ezjs必要(helper変換で_debug実行されてる?) ; check-debugのときも.ezjs使う //---------------- // ver.取得 if instr(title_DishHelper, 0, "ver.") != -1 { verDouble_DishHelper = double(strmid(title_DishHelper, instr(title_DishHelper, 0, "ver.")+4, 4)) }else { verDouble_DishHelper = 9.99 ; わからないときは最新扱い } //---------------- // ezjsを使うか調査して、必要なら「ソーススクリプト」inputのファイルパス更新 //---------------- gosub *checkNeedEzjs_and_setSourceFileName // ver.1.6以下 : data強制 if verDouble_DishHelper <= 1.6 { hEdit_DataFolder = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,hEdit_SourceScript, "Edit", "") ; 2番目のEdit _DataFolder_path = _dir_cur_ + "\\data" Sendmsg hEdit_DataFolder, 0xC /*WM_SETTEXT*/, 0, varptr(_DataFolder_path) PathIsDirectory _DataFolder_path if stat == 0 : mkdir "data" ; 無ければ勝手に作っちゃう } //---------------- // HGIMG4 チェックボタンを変更 //---------------- hCheck_hgimg4 = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "HGIMG4を使用する") ; checkbox if hCheck_hgimg4 { check_hgimg4 = (match(scriptSource,"^\\s*#include\\s+\"hgimg4.as\"") != "") if check_hgimg4 || ezLDJ_checkOption >= 0 { check_hgimg4 = (ezLDJ_checkOption & 1) != 0 || check_hgimg4 ; ezLDJ_checkOption=1 : HGIMG4を使う ; - メインソースにhgimg4.asがあるならチェックしたい。もし無くても(ezLDJ_checkOption & 1)ならチェック。 ; - ただ、ソースにhgimg4.asがなくてezLDJ_checkOptionが指定されており (ezLDJ_checkOption & 1) == 0 なら強制的にチェックを外す。 sendmsg hCheck_hgimg4, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 _check_hgimg4 = (stat != 0) if check_hgimg4 != _check_hgimg4 { ; クリックしてチェックを変更する必要がある sendmsg hCheck_hgimg4, $00F1/*BM_SETCHECK*/, check_hgimg4, 0 ; check設定 sendmsg hWnd_DishHelper, $111/*WM_COMMAND*/, GetDlgCtrlID(hCheck_hgimg4) | 0<<16, 0 // Button Push! : wparam(ボタンID | BN_CLICKED等通知コード<<16) を親ウィンドウに送信 } } } //---------------- // WebAssembly チェックボタンを変更 //---------------- if ezLDJ_checkOption >= 0 { hCheck_WebAssembly = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "WebAssemblyを使用する") ; checkbox if hCheck_WebAssembly { check_WebAssembly = (ezLDJ_checkOption & 2) != 0 ; ezLDJ_checkOption=2 : WebAssemblyを使う sendmsg hCheck_WebAssembly, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 _check_WebAssembly = (stat != 0) if check_WebAssembly != _check_WebAssembly { ; クリックしてチェックを変更する必要がある sendmsg hCheck_WebAssembly, $00F1/*BM_SETCHECK*/, check_WebAssembly, 0 ; check設定 sendmsg hWnd_DishHelper, $111/*WM_COMMAND*/, GetDlgCtrlID(hCheck_WebAssembly) | 0<<16, 0 // Button Push! : wparam(ボタンID | BN_CLICKED等通知コード<<16) を親ウィンドウに送信 } } } //---------------- // DebugOut チェックボタンを変更 //---------------- if ezLDJ_checkOption >= 0 { hCheck_DebugOut = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "デバッグ情報を出力する") ; checkbox if hCheck_DebugOut { check_DebugOut = (ezLDJ_checkOption & 4) != 0 ; ezLDJ_checkOption=4 : DebugOutを使う sendmsg hCheck_DebugOut, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 _check_DebugOut = (stat != 0) if check_DebugOut != _check_DebugOut { ; クリックしてチェックを変更する必要がある sendmsg hCheck_DebugOut, $00F1/*BM_SETCHECK*/, check_DebugOut, 0 ; check設定 sendmsg hWnd_DishHelper, $111/*WM_COMMAND*/, GetDlgCtrlID(hCheck_DebugOut) | 0<<16, 0 // Button Push! : wparam(ボタンID | BN_CLICKED等通知コード<<16) を親ウィンドウに送信 } } } return //-------------------------------------- // ezjsを使うか調査して、必要ならソーススクリプト欄のファイル名更新 // ・debugチェックボックス確認 // ・fix_mtinfo処理が必要か確認 //-------------------------------------- *checkNeedEzjs_and_setSourceFileName // .ezjs使うか調査 flg_use_dhjs = 0 check_DebugOut = 0 check_hgimg4 = 0 needFixMtinfo = 0 if verDouble_DishHelper <= 1.94 && __hspver__ <= 14082 { // ver.1.94-hsp37beta3以下 : .ezjs使用 flg_use_dhjs = 1 } // check-debugのときも.ezjs使うので確認 (このcheckでezjsの内容が変わることになったから常に確認) hCheck_DebugOut = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "デバッグ情報を出力する") ; checkbox if hCheck_DebugOut != 0 { sendmsg hCheck_DebugOut, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 check_DebugOut = (stat != 0) if check_DebugOut : flg_use_dhjs = 1 } // check-hgimg4のときfix_mtinfo処理が必要なくなるので確認 hCheck_hgimg4 = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "HGIMG4を使用する") ; checkbox if hCheck_hgimg4 { sendmsg hCheck_hgimg4, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 check_hgimg4 = (stat != 0) } // hsp3dish.jsが2024/07/09以下の日付 かつ iniにnoAdj_ が無ければ mtinfo修正 で.ezjsを使う if check_hgimg4 == 0 { exist dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dish.js" if strsize != -1 { GetFileTimeStamps dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dish.js", ft1,ft2,ft3, 1 if stat { if (wpeek@hsp(ft3,0*2)*32*12 + wpeek@hsp(ft3,1*2)*32 + wpeek@hsp(ft3,3*2)) <= (2024*32*12 + 7*32 + 9) { // オプション確認 noAdj_fixmtinfo = 0 exist _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" if strsize != -1 { notesel iniFileSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" : noteunsel noAdj_fixmtinfo = int(submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*noAdj_fixmtinfo\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)")) } if noAdj_fixmtinfo == 0 : needFixMtinfo = 1 : flg_use_dhjs = 1 } } } } // 入力先取得 hEdit_SourceScript = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Edit", "") ; 最初のEdit // 入力内容(まずは.hsp) _ScFileName_path = _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) if flg_use_dhjs { // .ezjs使うとき exist _ScFileName_path if strsize != -1 { // .hspファイルを読み込んで.ezjsを作成 // - 作成された.ezjsは終了時削除のためdhjsFileName_pathsにpathが記憶される CreateDhjsFile _ScFileName_path, check_DebugOut, needFixMtinfo _ScFileName_path = refstr ; .hsp -> .ezjs に上書き } } Sendmsg hEdit_SourceScript, 0xC /*WM_SETTEXT*/, 0, varptr(_ScFileName_path) return //-------------------------------------- // HSP3Dish helper 「変換」ボタン押下 // ・ezlocal_dish_js命令の自動操作オプション //-------------------------------------- *autoPush_dishelper_henkan hWnd_DishHelper = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^HSP3Dish helper") if hWnd_DishHelper == 0 : ezLDJ_option = 0 : return //---------------- // 「変換」ボタン押下 //---------------- hButton_henkan = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "^変換$") if hButton_henkan == 0 : ezLDJ_option = 0 : return sendmsg hWnd_DishHelper, $111/*WM_COMMAND*/, GetDlgCtrlID(hButton_henkan) | 0<<16, 0 // Button Push! : wparam(ボタンID | BN_CLICKED等通知コード<<16) を親ウィンドウに送信 return //-------------------------------------- // hsp3dish.ini を開く //-------------------------------------- *open_dishini _iniFileName_path = _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" exist _iniFileName_path if strsize == -1 { dialog "hsp3dish.ini が見つかりませんでした。\n\n作成しても良いですか?", 2, "ezlocal-dish-js" if stat != 6 : return CreateHsp3DishIni } exist _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" if strsize != -1 { UpdateHsp3DishIni } exec _iniFileName_path, 16 return // #deffunc local CreateHsp3DishIni packopt_wx = 0 packopt_wy = 0 exist _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) if strsize != -1 { notesel scriptSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) : noteunsel packopt_wx = int( submatch(scriptSource, "#packopt\\s+xsize\\s+(\\d+)") ) packopt_wy = int( submatch(scriptSource, "#packopt\\s+ysize\\s+(\\d+)") ) if packopt_wx == 0 && packopt_wy == 0 { // dotfw.as 対応 _wx=0 : _wy=0 : _wz=0 result = submatch(scriptSource, "df_config\\s+\"(.*?)\"") if result != "" { _wa=100 _wx = int(submatch(result, "X(\\d+)")) : if _wx==0 : _wx = 320 _wy = int(submatch(result, "Y(\\d+)")) : if _wy==0 : _wy = 240 _wz = int(submatch(result, "Z(\\d+)")) : if _wz==0 : _wz = 300 _wa = int(submatch(result, "A(\\d+)")) : if _wa==0 : _wa = 100 if match(result,"(^|\\s)fc(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=256 : _wy=224 if match(result,"(^|\\s)sfc(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=256 : _wy=224 if match(result,"(^|\\s)pce(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=224 if match(result,"(^|\\s)md(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=224 if match(result,"(^|\\s)gb(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=160 : _wy=144 if match(result,"(^|\\s)gba(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=240 : _wy=160 if match(result,"(^|\\s)nds(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=256 : _wy=192 if match(result,"(^|\\s)3ds(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=240 if match(result,"(^|\\s)n64(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=224 if match(result,"(^|\\s)ngc(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=640 : _wy=480 if match(result,"(^|\\s)ss(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=224 if match(result,"(^|\\s)dc(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=640 : _wy=480 if match(result,"(^|\\s)ps1(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=240 if match(result,"(^|\\s)ps2(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=640 : _wy=480 if match(result,"(^|\\s)psp(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=480 : _wy=272 if match(result,"(^|\\s)vita(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=960 : _wy=544 if match(result,"(^|\\s)msx(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=256 : _wy=192 if match(result,"(^|\\s)msx2(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=512 : _wy=424 if match(result,"(^|\\s)appleii(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=280 : _wy=192 if match(result,"(^|\\s)c64(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=200 if match(result,"(^|\\s)pc60(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=256 : _wy=192 if match(result,"(^|\\s)pc80(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=200 if match(result,"(^|\\s)pc88(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=640 : _wy=200 if match(result,"(^|\\s)pc98(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=640 : _wy=400 if match(result,"(^|\\s)arcade(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=224 : _wy=320 if match(result,"(^|\\s)neogeo(\\s|$)") != "" : _wx=320 : _wy=224 packopt_wx = _wx * _wz / 100 packopt_wy = _wy * _wz * _wa / 100 / 100 } if packopt_wx == 0 | packopt_wy == 0 { matches result, scriptSource, "df_screen\\s+(\\d*)" if stat : _wx = int(result(0,1)) : if _wx == 0 : _wx = 320 matches result, scriptSource, "df_screen\\s+\\d*\\s*,\\s*(\\d*)" if stat : _wy = int(result(0,1)) : if _wy == 0 : _wy = 224 matches result, scriptSource, "df_screen\\s+\\d*\\s*,\\s*\\d*\\s*,\\s*(\\d*)" if stat : _wz = int(result(0,1)) : if _wz == 0 : _wz = 300 packopt_wx = _wx * _wz / 100 packopt_wy = _wy * _wz / 100 } if packopt_wx == 0 | packopt_wy == 0 { matches result, scriptSource, "screen\\s+.*?\\s*,\\s*(\\d*)" if stat : _wx = int(result(0,1)) : if _wx == 0 : _wx = 320 matches result, scriptSource, "screen\\s+.*?\\s*,\\s*\\d*\\s*,\\s*(\\d*)" if stat : _wy = int(result(0,1)) : if _wy == 0 : _wy = 224 packopt_wx = _wx packopt_wy = _wy } } } if packopt_wx == 0 : packopt_wx = 320 if packopt_wy == 0 : packopt_wy = 480 iniFileSource = "; hsp3dish settings\nwx="+packopt_wx+"\nwy="+packopt_wy+"\nautoscale=0\n\n; ezlocal-dish-js settings\nsx="+packopt_wx+"\nsy="+packopt_wy+"\nchkbox_ezLocalAdjust=1\nchkbox_landscapeFit=0\nchkbox_saveToBrowser=0\nbutton_openOptions=0\n" notesel iniFileSource : notesave _iniFileName_path : noteunsel return // #deffunc local UpdateHsp3DishIni notesel iniFileSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" // ヘッダ if instr(iniFileSource, 0, "; ezlocal-dish-js settings") == -1 { iniFileSource += "\n\n; ezlocal-dish-js settings" } // sx, sy if match(iniFileSource, "^\\s*sx\\s*=") == "" { ini_wx = submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*wx\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") if ini_wx != "" : ini_sx = ini_wx : else : ini_sx = "320" iniFileSource += "\nsx="+ini_sx } if match(iniFileSource, "^\\s*sy\\s*=") == "" { ini_wy = submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*wy\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)") if ini_wy != "" : ini_sy = ini_wy : else : ini_sy = "480" iniFileSource += "\nsy="+ini_sy } // chkbox_ezLocalAdjust if match(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*chkbox_ezLocalAdjust\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)") != "" { iniFileSource = replace(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*chkbox_ezLocalAdjust\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)", "$1"+chkbox_ezLocalAdjust) }else { iniFileSource += "\nchkbox_ezLocalAdjust="+chkbox_ezLocalAdjust } // chkbox_landscapeFit if match(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*chkbox_landscapeFit\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)") != "" { iniFileSource = replace(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*chkbox_landscapeFit\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)", "$1"+chkbox_landscapeFit) }else { iniFileSource += "\nchkbox_landscapeFit="+chkbox_landscapeFit } // chkbox_saveToBrowser if match(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*chkbox_saveToBrowser\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)") != "" { iniFileSource = replace(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*chkbox_saveToBrowser\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)", "$1"+chkbox_saveToBrowser) }else { iniFileSource += "\nchkbox_saveToBrowser="+chkbox_saveToBrowser } // button_openOptions if match(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*button_openOptions\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)") != "" { iniFileSource = replace(iniFileSource, "(^\\s*button_openOptions\\s*=\\s*)(\\d+)", "$1"+button_openOptions) }else { iniFileSource += "\nbutton_openOptions="+button_openOptions } notesave _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" : noteunsel return //-------------------------------------- // DishHelper-check_debug : 「デバッグ情報を出力する」チェックボックスを常に監視 // ・_debugが強制付加されるので#ifndef _debugが使えないため.ezjsを利用する // ・.ezjsの作成、editへの入力を行う // ・「hgimg4を使用する」のチェックも監視 //-------------------------------------- *check_dishdebug flg_changeCheckbox = 0 // HSP3Dish helper取得 hWnd_DishHelper = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^HSP3Dish helper") if hWnd_DishHelper == 0 : return title_DishHelper = refstr if instr(title_DishHelper, 0, "ver.") != -1 { verDouble_DishHelper = double(strmid(title_DishHelper, instr(title_DishHelper, 0, "ver.")+4, 4)) }else { verDouble_DishHelper = 99.99 ; わからないときは最新扱い } // check-debugが変更されたか確認 hCheck_DebugOut = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "デバッグ情報を出力する") ; checkbox if hCheck_DebugOut == 0 : return // check取得 sendmsg hCheck_DebugOut, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 _check_DebugOut = (stat != 0) if check_DebugOut != _check_DebugOut : flg_changeCheckbox = 1 ; 変わってた // check-hgimg4が変更されたか確認 hCheck_hgimg4 = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "HGIMG4を使用する") ; checkbox if hCheck_hgimg4 == 0 : return // check取得 sendmsg hCheck_hgimg4, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 _check_hgimg4 = (stat != 0) if check_hgimg4 != _check_hgimg4 : flg_changeCheckbox = 1 ; 変わってた if flg_changeCheckbox == 0 : return ; 変わってなかったら戻る //---------------- // ezjsを使うか調査して、必要なら「ソーススクリプト」inputのファイルパス更新 //---------------- gosub *checkNeedEzjs_and_setSourceFileName return //-------------------------------------- // DishHelper-check_active : ウィンドウがアクティブになったかを常に監視 // ・fix_mtinfo.ezjsの適用確認のためアクティブになったときiniを見て不要フラグがないかをチェックする // ・.ezjsの作成、editへの入力を行う //-------------------------------------- *check_dishactive // HSP3Dish helper取得 hWnd_DishHelper = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^HSP3Dish helper") if hWnd_DishHelper == 0 : return title_DishHelper = refstr if instr(title_DishHelper, 0, "ver.") != -1 { verDouble_DishHelper = double(strmid(title_DishHelper, instr(title_DishHelper, 0, "ver.")+4, 4)) }else { verDouble_DishHelper = 99.99 ; わからないときは最新扱い } _isActive_DishHelper = GetForegroundWindow() == hWnd_DishHelper if isActive_DishHelper == _isActive_DishHelper : return ; 変わってなかった isActive_DishHelper = _isActive_DishHelper if isActive_DishHelper == 0 : return ; 非アクティブ化のときはreturn //---------------- // ezjsを使うか調査して、必要なら「ソーススクリプト」inputのファイルパス更新 //---------------- gosub *checkNeedEzjs_and_setSourceFileName return //-------------------------------------- // DishHelper-console : 「変換」ボタンによってconsoleが書き変わったか常に監視 // ・console書き換わりチェック // ・作成されたHTML等をhtmlフォルダにコピー //-------------------------------------- *check_dishconsole //---------------- // console書き換わりチェック //---------------- // consoleウィンドウハンドル取得 hWnd_DishConsole = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^console$") if hWnd_DishConsole == 0 : return 0 // consoleウィンドウのEdit取得 hEdit_DishConsole = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishConsole,, "Edit", "") ; 最初のEdit // 書き換わりチェック if mae_hEdit_DishConsole == hEdit_DishConsole : return 0 mae_hEdit_DishConsole = hEdit_DishConsole // 作成ファイルチェック sdim text_DishConsole, 64*1024 Sendmsg hEdit_DishConsole, 0xD /*WM_GETTEXT*/, 64*1024, varptr(text_DishConsole) matches result, text_DishConsole, "\\[(.*?)\\]を作成しました." ; 作成ファイル名取得 num_result = stat if num_result == 0 : return 0 PathIsDirectory htdocsFolderPath if stat = 0 : return 0 //---------------- // HGIMG4を使用するか確認して、必要ならファイルをダウンロード //---------------- check_hgimg4_ = 0 : check_hgimg4_and_webAssembly = 0 hWnd_DishHelper = SearchWindow(0,, "hspwnd0", "^HSP3Dish helper") if hWnd_DishHelper { hCheck_hgimg4 = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "HGIMG4を使用する") ; checkbox if hCheck_hgimg4 { sendmsg hCheck_hgimg4, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 check_hgimg4_ = (stat != 0) if check_hgimg4_ { hCheck_webAssembly = SearchWindow(hWnd_DishHelper,, "Button", "WebAssemblyを使用する") ; checkbox sendmsg hCheck_webAssembly, $00F0/*BM_GETCHECK*/, 0, 0 check_hgimg4_and_webAssembly = (stat != 0) // hsp3dish.jsが2024/07/09以下の日付 ならば非公式版jsを使う。存在を確認してなければダウンロード。 if check_hgimg4_and_webAssembly { dish_gp_filePath = dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dish-gp.js" }else { dish_gp_filePath = dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dishw-gp.js" } exist dish_gp_filePath if strsize != -1 { GetFileTimeStamps dish_gp_filePath, ft1,ft2,ft3, 1 if stat { if (wpeek@hsp(ft3,0*2)*32*12 + wpeek@hsp(ft3,1*2)*32 + wpeek@hsp(ft3,3*2)) <= (2024*32*12 + 7*32 + 9) { if check_hgimg4_and_webAssembly == 0 { exist dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.js" if strsize == -1 { // ダウンロード確認 dialog "HSP3.7β9以下の環境でHGIMG4を使用する場合、公式のデータファイルではスマホ表示用等のオートスケーリングが動作しません。\n下記の非公式ファイルを hsp3jsフォルダ(HSP3インストールフォルダ内)にダウンロードしても良いですか?\n\n・hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.js", 2, "ezlocal-dish-js" if stat == 6 { dirCur = _dir_cur_ : chdir dir_exe+"\\hsp3js" netinit@ neturl@ "https://suwa.pupu.jp/HSP/ezlocal-dish-js/data/" netload@ "hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.js" chdir dirCur dialog "ダウンロードが完了しました。\n引き続き処理を継続します。", 0, "ezlocal-dish-js" } } }else { exist dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dishw-gp.ezlocal-dish.js" : strsize_ = strsize exist dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.wasm" if strsize_ == -1 || strsize == -1 { dialog "HSP3.7β9以下の環境でHGIMG4を使用する場合、公式のデータファイルではスマホ表示用等のオートスケーリングが動作しません。\n下記の非公式ファイルを hsp3jsフォルダ(HSP3インストールフォルダ内)にダウンロードしても良いですか?\n\n・hsp3dishw-gp.ezlocal-dish.js\n・hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.wasm", 2, "ezlocal-dish-js" if stat == 6 { dirCur = _dir_cur_ : chdir dir_exe+"\\hsp3js" netinit@ neturl@ "https://suwa.pupu.jp/HSP/ezlocal-dish-js/data/" netload@ "hsp3dishw-gp.ezlocal-dish.js" netload@ "hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.wasm" chdir dirCur dialog "ダウンロードが完了しました。\n引き続き処理を継続します。", 0, "ezlocal-dish-js" } } } } } } } } } //---------------- // 作成されたHTML等をhtmlフォルダにコピー //---------------- // ファイルコピー先フォルダの作成 PathIsDirectory htdocsFolderPath+"\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) if stat == 0 : dirCur = _dir_cur_ : chdir htdocsFolderPath+"\\" : mkdir getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) : chdir dirCur // この時点でファイルの調整やコピー等を行うことが確定 if showed_localhost_link { // 処理に少し時間がかかるかもしれない。見た目で分かるよういったんenableに if hStatic_localhost : EnableWindow hStatic_localhost, 0 if hStatic_htmlFolder : EnableWindow hStatic_htmlFolder, 0 } // フォント変更が必要か確認 scriptSource = "" : needChangeFont = 0 : fontNameChanged = "" : fontResolutionChanged = 0 exist _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) if strsize != -1 { notesel scriptSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) : noteunsel fontNameChanged = submatch(scriptSource,"^\\s*#dishjs_font\\s+\"(.*?)\"") if fontNameChanged != "" { exist _dir_cur_ + "\\"+fontNameChanged if strsize != -1 { needChangeFont = 2 ; フォントファイルあり: html,js書き換え、フォントファイルコピー }else{ needChangeFont = 1 ; フォントファイルなし: js書き換え } } fontResolutionChanged = int(submatch(scriptSource,"^\\s*#dishjs_font\\s+\".*?\"\\s*,\\s*(-?\\d*)")) if int(fontResolutionChanged) < 2 : fontResolutionChanged = 0 fontAddWidthChanged = int(submatch(scriptSource,"^\\s*#dishjs_font\\s+\".*?\"\\s*,\\s*-?\\d*\\s*,\\s*(-?\\d*)")) fontAddHeightChanged = int(submatch(scriptSource,"^\\s*#dishjs_font\\s+\".*?\"\\s*,\\s*-?\\d*\\s*,\\s*-?\\d*\\s*,\\s*(-?\\d*)")) if needChangeFont == 0 { if fontResolutionChanged != 0 : needChangeFont = 3 ; フォントは変えないけど、解像度やサイズ調整でhsp3dish.jsを改造したい if fontAddWidthChanged != 0 : needChangeFont = 3 if fontAddHeightChanged != 0 : needChangeFont = 3 } } // ファイルをコピー repeat num_result exist _dir_cur_ + "\\" + result(cnt,1) if strsize == -1 : continue if getpath(result(cnt,1),2) == ".html" { createdHtmlName = result(cnt,1) // HTML改造 HtmlEzLocalAdjuster _dir_cur_ + "\\" + createdHtmlName, needChangeFont } if getpath(result(cnt,1),2) == ".js" { if check_hgimg4_ { if check_hgimg4_and_webAssembly == 0 { CopyFile dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.js", _dir_cur_ + "\\" + result(cnt,1) }else { CopyFile dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dishw-gp.ezlocal-dish.js", _dir_cur_ + "\\" + result(cnt,1) } } if (needFixMtinfo!=0 || needChangeFont!=0) { // hsp3dish.js改造 Hsp3DishJsEzLocalAdjuster _dir_cur_ + "\\" + result(cnt,1), needChangeFont } } if getpath(result(cnt,1),2) == ".wasm" { if check_hgimg4_ && check_hgimg4_and_webAssembly { CopyFile dir_exe+"\\hsp3js\\hsp3dish-gp.ezlocal-dish.wasm", _dir_cur_ + "\\" + result(cnt,1) } } CopyFile _dir_cur_ + "\\" + result(cnt,1), htdocsFolderPath+"\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "\\" + result(cnt,1) loop if instr(text_DishConsole, 0, "not found.") != -1 { if instr(title_DishHelper, 0, "ver.1.96") != -1 { // ver.1.96のバグ dialog "データファイル追加時に「not found」が検出されました。\n\nHSP3Dish helper ver.1.96にはdataフォルダ内のファイルがスクリプトと同じフォルダにも置かれていないとエラーが発生するバグがあります。\n「HSP3アップデーター」を使って「HSP3.7β8の累積アップデート」パッケージをインストールしてver.1.97に更新してください。", 1, "ezlocal-dish-js" } } //---------------- // ezphp.phpも必要ならコピー(なければファイル出力) //---------------- ; exist _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) ; if strsize != -1 { ; notesel scriptSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) : noteunsel if scriptSource != "" { if match(scriptSource,"^\\s*#include\\s+\"mod_ezphp.hsp\"") != "" { exist _dir_cur_ + "\\ezphp.php" if strsize != -1 { CopyFile _dir_cur_ + "\\ezphp.php", htdocsFolderPath+"\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "\\ezphp.php" }else { OutputEzphpPhp htdocsFolderPath+"\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) } } } //---------------- // フォントファイルも必要ならコピー //---------------- if needChangeFont == 2 { exist _dir_cur_ + "\\"+fontNameChanged if strsize != -1 { CopyFile _dir_cur_ + "\\"+fontNameChanged, htdocsFolderPath+"\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "\\"+fontNameChanged } } //---------------- // hsp3dish.ini無いときあったほうが良い表示が必要か確認 //---------------- notice_nonIni = 0 _iniFileName_path = _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" exist _iniFileName_path if strsize == -1 { exist _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) if strsize != -1 { notesel scriptSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8) : noteunsel warn_ss = -1 warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"^\\s*#include\\s+\"dotfw.as\"")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss2 warn_ss = -1 * (match(scriptSource,"^\\s*#packopt\\s+\[xy]size")=="") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss2 warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"screen") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss2 warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"df_screen") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss2 warn_ss = instr(scriptSource,0,"df_config") : if warn_ss != -1 : goto *esc_warn_ss2 *esc_warn_ss2 notice_nonIni = (warn_ss != -1) } } if hStatic_noticeNonIni != 0 : ShowWindow hStatic_noticeNonIni, (notice_nonIni != 0) return 1 //-------------------------------------- // nginx - start/stopボタン表示 //-------------------------------------- *create_apache_controller ; in isRunHttpdExe if created_apache_controller : return created_apache_controller = 1 color 235,235,235 boxf 0, ginfo_cy, ginfo_sx, ginfo_cy + 75 y_bottom = ginfo_cy + 75 color pos , ginfo_cy+5 mes "nginx(ローカルサーバ)の起動" objsize 100, 20 pos 50, ginfo_cy+15 color 255,160,160 : boxf ginfo_cx-1,ginfo_cy-1,ginfo_cx+100,ginfo_cy+20 : color button gosub "start", *start_apache hButton_start_apache = objinfo_hwnd(stat) EnableWindow hButton_start_apache, isRunHttpdExe==0 pos 200, ginfo_cy-20 button gosub "stop", *stop_apache hButton_stop_apache = objinfo_hwnd(stat) EnableWindow hButton_stop_apache, isRunHttpdExe==1 sysfont 17 color 120,120,120 if isNoNginxStart { pos 350, ginfo_cy-51 mes "※ ",1 : mes "コマンドプロンプトから切り替えたい場合は\n"+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"フォルダで 「起動: nginx.exe」\n「停止: nginx.exe -s quit」 を実行してください。" pos 350, ginfo_cy+3 : color 255,100,100 mes "※ ",1 : mes "初回はファイアウォールの警告が出ます。\n「アクセス許可」ボタンを押してください。" }else { pos 350, ginfo_cy-35 mes "※ ",1 : mes "コマンドプロンプトから切り替えたい場合は\n"+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"フォルダで 「起動: nginx.exe」\n「停止: nginx.exe -s quit」 を実行してください。" } pos 2, y_bottom : sysfont 0 : color return *start_apache exist ""+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"\\nginx.exe" if strsize == -1 : return EnableWindow hButton_start_apache, 0 EnableWindow hButton_stop_apache, 1 // apache起動 dirCur = _dir_cur_ chdir ""+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" pipeexec pipe_buf, ""+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"\\nginx.exe" ; コマンドプロンプト非表示で実行(pipeexecだけど監視しない) chdir dirCur // PHP-FPM起動 dirCur = _dir_cur_ chdir ""+PATH_PHP_FOLDER pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" pipeexec pipe_buf, ""+PATH_PHP_FOLDER+"\\php-cgi.exe -b" ; コマンドプロンプト非表示で実行(pipeexecだけど監視しない) chdir dirCur return *stop_apache exist ""+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"\\nginx.exe" if strsize == -1 : return EnableWindow hButton_start_apache, 1 EnableWindow hButton_stop_apache, 0 // apache終了 dirCur = _dir_cur_ chdir ""+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" pipeexec pipe_buf, ""+PATH_NGINX_FOLDER+"\\nginx.exe -s quit" ; コマンドプロンプト非表示で実行(pipeexecだけど監視しない) chdir dirCur // PHP-FPM終了 pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" pipeexec pipe_buf, "Taskkill /im php-cgi.exe /f" ; コマンドプロンプト非表示で実行(pipeexecだけど監視しない) return *buttonEnabler_apache_controller ; in isRunHttpdExe if created_apache_controller == 0 : return EnableWindow hButton_start_apache, isRunHttpdExe==0 EnableWindow hButton_stop_apache, isRunHttpdExe==1 return //-------------------------------------- // localhostリンク - dish.js実行準備ができたか監視。OKならURLやフォルダへのリンクを表示する // ・コントロール作成 // ・ローカルIP版リンク作成 //-------------------------------------- *show_localhost_link if showed_localhost_link { if hStatic_localhost : EnableWindow hStatic_localhost, 1 if hStatic_htmlFolder : EnableWindow hStatic_htmlFolder, 1 return 0 } showed_localhost_link = 1 // ローカルIPアドレス取得 pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" pipeexec pipe_buf, "ipconfig" do : wait 1 : pipeget pipe_ln : until stat==0 localIP = "" result = submatch(pipe_buf,"^Wireless Lan adapter Wi-Fi.*?:\n\n([\\s\\S]+?)\n\n") ; wi-fi接続の項目を優先する if result == "" : result = submatch(pipe_buf,"^Wireless Lan adapter ワイヤレス ネットワーク接続.*?:\n\n([\\s\\S]+?)\n\n") ; 可能性を考慮 if result == "" : result = submatch(pipe_buf,"^Wireless Lan adapter Wireless Network Connection.*?:\n\n([\\s\\S]+?)\n\n") ; 可能性を考慮 if result != "" : localIP = submatch(result, "IPv4.*?(192\\.168\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)") ; wi-fi項目から if localIP == "" : localIP = submatch(pipe_buf, "IPv4.*?(192\\.168\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)") ; 全体から //---------------- // コントロール作成 //---------------- sysfont 0 mes "" g_cy = ginfo_cy mes "作成したHTMLをブラウザで開く" : g_mesx = ginfo_mesx textStatic_localhost = ""+ getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "/" + createdHtmlName font "MS Pゴシック", 16, 1+4 : pos ginfo_sx : mes textStatic_localhost, 1 : pos 5 : sysfont 0 winobj "static", textStatic_localhost, , $50000000 | $100, limit(ginfo_mesx,0,395), ginfo_mesy hStatic_localhost = objinfo_hwnd(stat) pos 2 : mes "" mes "エクスプローラでフォルダを開く" textStatic_htmlFolder = htdocsFolderPath+"\\"+ getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) font "MS Pゴシック", 16, 1+4 : pos ginfo_sx : mes textStatic_htmlFolder, 1 : pos 5 : sysfont 0 winobj "static", textStatic_htmlFolder, , $50000000 | $100, limit(ginfo_mesx,0,395), ginfo_mesy hStatic_htmlFolder = objinfo_hwnd(stat) g_cy2 = ginfo_cy pos ,g_cy+1 font "MS Pゴシック", 16, 1+4 : pos ginfo_sx : mes "!画面サイズ", 1 : pos 5 + g_mesx + 5 : sysfont 0 winobj "static", "!画面サイズ", , $50000000 | $100, limit(ginfo_mesx,0,395-g_mesx), ginfo_mesy hStatic_noticeNonIni = objinfo_hwnd(stat) ShowWindow hStatic_noticeNonIni, (notice_nonIni != 0) //---------------- // ローカルIP版リンク作成 //---------------- if localIP != "" { sysfont 17 pos 410, g_cy mes "スマホでローカルサーバにアクセス" pos , ginfo_cy + 10 // QRコード作成 if ( varptr(QRcode_encodeString) != 0 ){ // QRコード化したいURLをいれる url = "http://" + localIP + "/" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "/" + createdHtmlName b = 3 // 倍率 ox = ginfo_cx // オフセットX oy = ginfo_cy // オフセットX QRcode_encodeString url, 0, 3, 3, 1 qrcode = stat dupptr res, qrcode, 12, 4 size = res.1 dupptr data, res.2, size*size, 2 // QRコードの描画 color : redraw 0 i = 0 : x = 0 repeat size x = cnt repeat size // クロだった場合 if peek(data,i)&1{ boxf cnt*b+ox, x*b+oy, cnt*b+b+ox, x*b+b+oy } i++ loop loop redraw 1 // 終わったら解放 QRcode_free qrcode pos , ginfo_cy + b*size + 8 sysfont 17 : color 160,160,160 mes "↑ http://" + localIP + "/"+ getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "/" + createdHtmlName color // QRコードを作成するdllがないのでstaticリンクを作成 }else { font "MS Pゴシック", 16, 1+4 : pos ginfo_sx : mes "http://" + localIP + "/" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "/" + createdHtmlName, 1 : pos 410 : sysfont 0 winobj "static", "http://" + localIP + "/"+ getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 1+8) + "/" + createdHtmlName, , $50000001 | $100, limit(ginfo_mesx,0,400), ginfo_mesy hStatic_localip = objinfo_hwnd(stat) sysfont 17 : color 160,160,160 : pos 410, ginfo_cy+10 mes "・", 1 : mes "「qrcodelib.dll」をHSP3インストールフォルダか\nスクリプトと同じフォルダに置けば\nQRコードで表示することができます。" color } } // ローカルIP版リンク作成 sysfont 17 pos 2, g_cy2 mes "" mes "" mes "※",1 mes "レンタルサーバを借りて、作成したファイルをアップロードすれば" mes "ウェブ上で同じように動作させることができます。" // コントロールのフォント,カーソル設定変更 font "MS Pゴシック", 16, 1+4 mref BMSCR, 67 sendmsg hStatic_localhost, $30, BMSCR.38 sendmsg hStatic_htmlFolder, $30, BMSCR.38 sendmsg hStatic_noticeNonIni, $30, BMSCR.38 if hStatic_localip : sendmsg hStatic_localip, $30, BMSCR.38 hCursor = LoadCursor(0, 32649) SetClassLong hStatic_localhost, -12, hCursor SetClassLong hStatic_htmlFolder, -12, hCursor SetClassLong hStatic_noticeNonIni, -12, hCursor if hStatic_localip : SetClassLong hStatic_localip, -12, hCursor gsel ginfo_sel, 2 gsel ginfo_sel, 1 return 1 //-------------------------------------- // oncmd //-------------------------------------- *ctlcolorstatic if lparam == 0 : return if hStatic_localhost == lparam || hStatic_htmlFolder == lparam || hStatic_localip == lparam { SetTextColor wparam, 0 | 0 << 8 | 255 << 16 SetBkMode wparam, 1 if hBrush == 0 : hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(5) return hBrush } if hStatic_noticeNonIni == lparam { SetTextColor wparam, 255 | 0 << 8 | 0 << 16 SetBkMode wparam, 1 if hBrush == 0 : hBrush = GetSysColorBrush(5) return hBrush } return *command if lparam == 0 : return if (wparam >> 16 & $FFFF) != 0 : return ; BN_CLICKED = 0 if hStatic_localhost == lparam || hStatic_htmlFolder == lparam || hStatic_localip == lparam { sdim text_static, 512 Sendmsg lparam, 0xD /*WM_GETTEXT*/, 512, varptr(text_static) exec text_static, 16 return } if hStatic_noticeNonIni == lparam { dialog "スクリプトに画面サイズ変更処理を検出しました。\n画面サイズを変更するには hsp3dish.ini が必要になります。\n\nウィンドウ右上の 「+」ボタン>「hsp3dish.ini編集」ボタン から iniファイルの作成と編集が可能です。\n\n作成後、HSP3Dish helper の「変換」を再度実行してください。", 0, "ezlocal-dish-js" return } return //-------------------------------------- // onexit //-------------------------------------- *quit // もし.ezjsが作ってあれば削除する repeat length(dhjsFileName_paths)-1, 1 exist dhjsFileName_paths(cnt) if strsize != -1 : delete@hsp dhjsFileName_paths(cnt) loop // ini exist _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" if strsize != -1 { UpdateHsp3DishIni } end end stop //-------------------------------------- // 補助スクリプト.ezjs 作成 //-------------------------------------- #deffunc local CreateDhjsFile str __ScFileName_path, int __check_DebugOut, int __needFixMtinfo scriptSource = "" repText1 = "#include \"add_script.ezjs\"" : repText2 = "" if __check_DebugOut { scriptSource = "#undef logmes\n#define global logmes(%1=\"\") exec {\"Module.print(`\"}+(%1)+{\"`)\"}" + "\n" // オプション確認 exist _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" if strsize != -1 { notesel iniFileSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" : noteunsel noAdj_logmes = int(submatch(iniFileSource, "^\\s*noAdj_logmes\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)")) if noAdj_logmes == 2 : scriptSource = "#undef logmes\n#define global logmes(%1=\"\") exec {\"console.log(`\"}+(%1)+{\"`)\"}" + "\n" if noAdj_logmes == 1 : scriptSource = "" } } if __needFixMtinfo { scriptSource += {" #ifndef init@fix_mtinfo_js #undef mtinfo #undef mousex #undef mousey #undef redraw #module fix_mtinfo_js inited=0:touchids=0:arr=0:mae_count=0:mae_arr=0:mae_mousexhsp=0:mae_mouseyhsp=0 ; 未初期化表示対策 #deffunc init@fix_mtinfo_js \ if dir_exe != "" : return // Windowsの場合戻る \ if inited : return \ inited = 1 \ _mtinfo_n_ = 0 \ dim _mtinfo_is_, 32 \ dim _mtinfo_xs_, 32 \ dim _mtinfo_ys_, 32 \ needFixMtinfo = 0 \ exec {\" \ var hsp_mtn = "\}+varptr(_mtinfo_n_)+{\"; \ var hsp_mti = "\}+varptr(_mtinfo_is_)+{\"; \ var hsp_mtx = "\}+varptr(_mtinfo_xs_)+{\"; \ var hsp_mty = "\}+varptr(_mtinfo_ys_)+{\"; \ var hsp_needFixMtinfo = parseInt(ENV.HSP_WX) != parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX) || parseInt(ENV.HSP_WY) != parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY) \ HEAP32["\}+varptr(needFixMtinfo)+{\" >> 2] = hsp_needFixMtinfo ? 1 : 0; \ if(hsp_needFixMtinfo){ \ var hsp_wx = parseInt(ENV.HSP_WX); \ var hsp_wy = parseInt(ENV.HSP_WY); \ var hsp_sx = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX); // (ENV.HSP_AUTOSCALE=="0") && (hsp_wy/hsp_wx > parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY)/parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX)) : 上下空白 を想定 \ var hsp_sy = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX)*hsp_wy/hsp_wx; \ if(ENV.HSP_AUTOSCALE=="0"){ \ if(hsp_wy/hsp_wx > parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY)/parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX)){ // 左右空白 \ hsp_sx = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY)*hsp_wx/hsp_wy; \ hsp_sy = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY); \ } \ }else if(ENV.HSP_AUTOSCALE=="1"){ \ hsp_sx = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX); \ hsp_sy = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX)*hsp_wy/hsp_wx; \ }else if(ENV.HSP_AUTOSCALE=="2"){ \ hsp_sx = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY)*hsp_wx/hsp_wy; \ hsp_sy = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY); \ }else if(ENV.HSP_AUTOSCALE=="3"){ \ hsp_sx = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SX); \ hsp_sy = parseInt(ENV.HSP_SY); \ } \ } \ "\} \ return #deffunc mtinfo array ar, int id \ mtinfo@hsp ar, id \ if needFixMtinfo == 0 : return \ repeat _mtinfo_n_ \ if _mtinfo_is_(cnt) != ar(3) : continue \ ar(1) = _mtinfo_xs_(cnt), _mtinfo_ys_(cnt) \ loop \ return #define global mousex mousex_@fix_mtinfo_js #define global mousey mousey_@fix_mtinfo_js #define global redraw(%1=1,%2=0,%3=0,%4=0,%5=0) redraw@fix_mtinfo_js %1,%2,%3,%4,%5 #deffunc redraw@fix_mtinfo_js int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5 \ redraw@hsp p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 \ if p1 != 0 : return \ if needFixMtinfo == 0 { \ mousex_ = mousex@hsp \ mousey_ = mousey@hsp \ return \ } \ if inited == 0 : return \ mtlist touchids \ if stat != 0 { \ touch_num = stat \ hasMaeFrameData = 1 \ count = 0 \ // 一度タッチ情報をtemp_arrに取り出す(maeデータとの比較、保存を簡略化するため) \ repeat touch_num \ mtinfo arr, touchids(cnt) \ if arr(3) == -1 : continue ; -1データはmaeデータに残さない \ temp_arr(count*4) = arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3) : count++ \ loop \ if count == 0 && touch_num == 1 { \ // マウスドラッグ時は-1データのみになるのでそれを採用する \ mtinfo arr, touchids(cnt) \ if arr(3) == -1 : temp_arr(0) = arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3) : count++ \ } \ // maeデータと比較して同identifierかつ座標が動いたものを採用 \ repeat count \ cn = cnt : flg = 0 \ repeat mae_count \ if temp_arr(cn*4+3) == mae_arr(cnt*4+3) { ; identifier \ flg = 1 ; 存在フラグ \ if temp_arr(cn*4+1) != mae_arr(cnt*4+1) || temp_arr(cn*4+2) != mae_arr(cnt*4+2) { ; moved \ mousex_ = temp_arr(cn*4+1) : mousey_ = temp_arr(cn*4+2) \ } \ break \ } \ loop \ if flg == 0 { \ // maeに存在しない=新規で増えたものがあればそれを採用する \ mousex_ = temp_arr(cn*4+1) : mousey_ = temp_arr(cn*4+2) \ break \ } \ loop ; 何も採用されなかったとき、mousex, mousey は動かない \ // maeデータの保存 \ repeat count \ mae_arr(cnt*4) = temp_arr(cnt*4+0),temp_arr(cnt*4+1),temp_arr(cnt*4+2),temp_arr(cnt*4+3) \ loop \ mae_count = count \ mousex_maeFrame = mousex_ \ mousey_maeFrame = mousey_ \ \ }else : if hasMaeFrameData { // タッチが離れたときも更新されるがmtlistで取れないため1フレーム前のデータで上書きする \ hasMaeFrameData = 0 \ mousex_ = mousex_maeFrame \ mousey_ = mousey_maeFrame \ mae_count = 0 \ }else { \ if mae_mousexHsp != mousex@hsp || mae_mouseyHsp != mousey@hsp { ; タッチとは関係なくマウス座標が動いたとき \ mousex_ = mousex@hsp \ mousey_ = mousey@hsp \ } \ } \ mae_mousexHsp = mousex@hsp // @hspデータの保存(マウス座標変化検出のため) \ mae_mouseyHsp = mousey@hsp \ return #global init@fix_mtinfo_js #endif "} + "\n" } // .ezjs化でezlocal-dish-js.hsp内にある消えてしまう関数も追加する scriptSource += {"#undef delete\n#define global delete(%1) if dir_exe==""{exec "FS.unlink('"+(%1)+"');"\}else{delete@hsp %1}"} + "\n" ;#if __hspver__ <= 14089 scriptSource += {" #undef lpeek #define global ctype lpeek(%1,%2=0) (peek(%1,(%2)+3)<<24|peek(%1,(%2)+2)<<16|peek(%1,(%2)+1)<<8|peek(%1,(%2))) #undef wpeek #define global ctype wpeek(%1,%2=0) (peek(%1,(%2)+1)<<8|peek(%1,(%2))) #undef lpoke #define global lpoke(%1,%2=0,%3=0) poke %1,(%2),(%3)&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+1,(%3)>>8&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+2,(%3)>>16&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+3,(%3)>>24&$FF #undef wpoke #define global wpoke(%1,%2=0,%3=0) poke %1,(%2),(%3)&$FF:poke %1,(%2)+1,(%3)>>8&$FF "} + "\n" ;#endif scriptSource += {" #ifndef dishjs_devtype #module ezLocalDishJs device_type = 0 #defcfunc dishjs_devtype if dir_exe!="" : return 0 if device_type != 0 : return device_type exec {\" let deviceType = 1; const agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if( /iphone|ipod/.test(agent) ){ deviceType = 2; }else if(/ipad|macintosh/.test(agent) && "ontouchend" in document){ deviceType = 3; }else if(/android.+mobile/.test(agent)){ deviceType = 4; }else if(/android/.test(agent)){ deviceType = 5; } HEAP32["\}+varptr(device_type)+{\" >> 2] = deviceType; "\} return device_type #global #endif "} + "\n" //---------------- // add_script.ezjs の保存 //---------------- notesel scriptSource dhjsFileName_path__ = _dir_cur_ + "\\add_script.ezjs" notesave dhjsFileName_path__ : noteunsel dhjsFileName_paths(length(dhjsFileName_paths)) = dhjsFileName_path__ ; .ezjsは終了時削除のためpathを記憶 //---------------- // .ezjs化したメインスクリプト を保存 //---------------- notesel scriptSource : noteload __ScFileName_path scriptSource = replace(scriptSource,"#[a-zA-Z0-9_]*include\\s*\"ezlocal-dish-js\\.hsp\".*$", repText1) scriptSource = replace(scriptSource,"ezlocaljs.*$",repText2) dhjsFileName_path__ = _dir_cur_ + "\\" + getpath(_ScFileName_@ezLocalDishJs, 8+1) + ".ezjs" notesave dhjsFileName_path__ : noteunsel dhjsFileName_paths(length(dhjsFileName_paths)) = dhjsFileName_path__ ; .ezjsは終了時削除のためpathを記憶 return dhjsFileName_path__ //-------------------------------------- // HTMLをezlocal-dish-js //-------------------------------------- #deffunc local HtmlEzLocalAdjuster str _htmlFileName_path, int _needChangeFont exist _htmlFileName_path if strsize == -1 : return // hsp3dish.ini - load iniFileSource = "" exist _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" if strsize != -1 : notesel iniFileSource : noteload _dir_cur_ + "\\hsp3dish.ini" : noteunsel // HTMLソース - load notesel htmlSource : noteload _htmlFileName_path if (hspstat & $20000) == 0 { nkfcnv@ htmlSource, htmlSource, "Ws", , strlen(htmlSource)*2 } // 黒背景の場合、meta:theme-colorをblackにする if match(match(htmlSource, ")", "$1$2 @font-face { /* ezlocal-dish-js */$1$2 font-family: 'ezlocalfont';$1$2 "+src_fontName+"$1$2 }$1$2$3") htmlSource = replace(htmlSource, "(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)(\\s*)()", "$1$2$1$2$3") } if (hspstat & $20000) == 0 { nkfcnv@ htmlSource, htmlSource, "Sw", , strlen(htmlSource)*2 } notesave _htmlFileName_path : noteunsel return //-------------------------------------- // hsp3dish.jsをfix_mtinfo //-------------------------------------- #deffunc local Hsp3DishJsEzLocalAdjuster str _jsFileName_path, int _needChangeFont exist _jsFileName_path if strsize == -1 : return // jsソース - load notesel jsSource : noteload _jsFileName_path if (hspstat & $20000) == 0 { nkfcnv@ jsSource, jsSource, "Ws", , strlen(jsSource)*2 } // 改造 jsSource = replace(jsSource, "(\\]=t\\.clientY-targetRect\\.top;)", "$1if(typeof hsp_needFixMtinfo!=='undefined'&&hsp_needFixMtinfo){HEAP32[hsp_mtn>>2]=numTouches+1;HEAP32[hsp_mti+4*numTouches>>2]=t.identifier;HEAP32[hsp_mtx+4*numTouches>>2]=(t.clientX-targetRect.left-(targetRect.width-hsp_sx)/2)/hsp_sx*hsp_wx;HEAP32[hsp_mty+4*numTouches>>2]=(t.clientY-targetRect.top-(targetRect.height-hsp_sy)/2)/hsp_sy*hsp_wy;}") if _needChangeFont == 2 { jsSource = replace(jsSource, "'sans-serif'", "ezlocalfont") }else : if _needChangeFont == 1 { jsSource = replace(jsSource, "'sans-serif'", fontNameChanged) } if fontResolutionChanged != 0 { strrep jsSource, "canvas.width=$2;canvas.height=$3", "canvas.width=$2*"+fontResolutionChanged+";canvas.height=$3*"+fontResolutionChanged strrep jsSource, "var context=canvas.getContext(\"2d\");context.font=$1", "var context=canvas.getContext(\"2d\");context.font=$1*"+fontResolutionChanged strrep jsSource, "context.clearRect(0,0,$2,$3);", "context.clearRect(0,0,$2*"+fontResolutionChanged+",$3*"+fontResolutionChanged+");" strrep jsSource, "context.fillText(msg,0,$1);", "context.fillText(msg,0,$1*"+fontResolutionChanged+");" } if fontAddWidthChanged != 0 { fontAddWidthChanged_ = "+" : if fontAddWidthChanged < 0 : fontAddWidthChanged_ = "" fontAddWidthChanged_ += ""+fontAddWidthChanged strrep jsSource, "=d.clientWidth|0;", "=d.clientWidth"+fontAddWidthChanged_+"|0;" } if fontAddHeightChanged != 0 { fontAddHeightChanged_ = "+" : if fontAddHeightChanged < 0 : fontAddHeightChanged_ = "" fontAddHeightChanged_ += ""+fontAddHeightChanged strrep jsSource, "=d.clientHeight|0;", "=d.clientHeight"+fontAddHeightChanged_+"|0;" } if (hspstat & $20000) == 0 { nkfcnv@ jsSource, jsSource, "Sw", , strlen(jsSource)*2 } notesave _jsFileName_path : noteunsel return //-------------------------------------- // ファイルダウンロード //-------------------------------------- #deffunc local Downloader str _loadUrl, str _folderPath_downloads, label messageLabel mref mrefRefstr, 65 // 最初に 0.0% 報告 mrefRefstr = strf("% 4.1f %%",0.0) gosub messageLabel // ファイルサイズ取得 fileSize = 0 neturl@ getpath(_loadUrl,32) netfileinfo@ p, getpath(_loadUrl,8) if vartype(p) == 4 : return "" ; ネット接続できなかった if stat == 0 : fileSize = int(submatch(p,"Content-Length: (\\d*)\n")) if fileSize == 0 : fileSize = 1 ; 0割りを防ぐため dirCur = _dir_cur_ chdir _folderPath_downloads // ランタイム(cabファイル)ダウンロード netrequest@ getpath(_loadUrl,8) do wait 10 : netexec@ res exist getpath(_loadUrl,8) mrefRefstr = strf("% 4.1f %%",limitf(1.0*strsize/(1.0*fileSize/100),0.0,100.0)) gosub messageLabel until res ; ダウンロードループ chdir dirCur ;mrefRefstr = strf("% 4.1f %%",100.0) ;gosub messageLabel return _folderPath_downloads + "\\" + getpath(_loadUrl,8) //-------------------------------------- // zipファイル展開 //-------------------------------------- #deffunc local Unzipper str _zipFilePath, str _folderPath_unzip, label messageLabel mref mrefRefstr, 65 // 最初に 0.0% 報告 mrefRefstr = strf("% 4.1f %%",0.0) gosub messageLabel // 展開後ファイル数を取得 cmd = "cmd /c powershell \"add-type -assemblyname system.io.compression.filesystem;[io.compression.zipfile]::openread('"+_zipFilePath+"').entries | ft length\"" pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" pipeexec pipe_buf, cmd do : wait 1 : pipeget pipe_ln : until stat==0 index = 0 getstr dummy, pipe_buf, index : index += strsize getstr dummy, pipe_buf, index : index += strsize getstr dummy, pipe_buf, index : index += strsize pipe_buf = strmid(pipe_buf, index, strlen(pipe_buf)) strrep pipe_buf, " ", "" dirStrLength = strlen(pipe_buf) // 展開後のトップのフォルダ名を取得 cmd = "cmd /c powershell \"add-type -assemblyname system.io.compression.filesystem;[io.compression.zipfile]::openread('"+_zipFilePath+"').entries[0] | ft -a fullname\"" pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" pipeexec pipe_buf, cmd do : wait 1 : pipeget pipe_ln : until stat==0 index = 0 getstr dummy, pipe_buf, index : index += strsize getstr dummy, pipe_buf, index : index += strsize getstr dummy, pipe_buf, index : index += strsize pipe_buf = strmid(pipe_buf, index, strlen(pipe_buf)) pipe_buf = strtrim(pipe_buf, 1) topFolderName_unzip = submatch(pipe_buf,"^(.+?)/") pathSupport = "" if strlen(_folderPath_unzip) == 2 : pathSupport = "\\" ; ドライブ直下C:\とかだとC:で来ているので必要なとき足す // 展開するzipがトップフォルダ1つだけ存在するものかどうか確認 checkOneTopFolder = match(pipe_buf, "^(?!"+topFolderName_unzip+"/).+$") if peek(checkOneTopFolder) == 0x0D : poke checkOneTopFolder, 0, 0 ; 何故か 0x0D だけ吸ってくるみたい(?)なので if peek(checkOneTopFolder) == 0x0A : poke checkOneTopFolder, 0, 0 if topFolderName_unzip == "" || checkOneTopFolder != "" { // 違った場合tempフォルダを作ってそこに展開する pathSupport = "\\temp_ezlocal" topFolderName_unzip = "temp_ezlocal" } // 実際に展開 pipe_buf = "" : pipe_ln = "" cmd = "cmd /c powershell \"Expand-Archive -Path '"+_zipFilePath+"' -DestinationPath '"+_folderPath_unzip + pathSupport+"'\" -Force" pipeexec pipe_buf, cmd // 展開開始されるまで待機 repeat wait 75 PathIsDirectory _folderPath_unzip+"\\"+topFolderName_unzip if stat != 0 : break loop // 展開を確認してからchdir dirCur = _dir_cur_ chdir _folderPath_unzip + "\\" + topFolderName_unzip dirlist2h 4 do : wait 100 dirlist2 d2size, "*", 1 mrefRefstr = strf("% 4.1f %%",limitf(1.0*d2size/(1.0*dirStrLength/100),0.0,100.0)) gosub messageLabel pipeget pipe_ln until stat==0 chdir dirCur ;mrefRefstr = strf("% 4.1f %%",100.0) ;gosub messageLabel return _folderPath_unzip + "\\" + topFolderName_unzip //-------------------------------------- // 特殊システムフォルダパス取得 //-------------------------------------- #uselib "SHELL32.DLL" #func SHGetKnownFolderPath "SHGetKnownFolderPath" int,int,int,int #uselib "OLE32.dll" #func IIDFromString "IIDFromString" sptr,sptr #func CoTaskMemFree "CoTaskMemFree" int #defcfunc local GetKnownFolderPath str guid sdim psW_guid,78 dim piid_guid,4 cnvstow psW_guid, guid IIDFromString varptr(psW_guid), varptr(piid_guid) SHGetKnownFolderPath varptr(piid_guid),0,0,varptr(pFolderW) c=0 repeat 1024 dupptr nullnull, pFolderW + cnt, 2, 4 if nullnull = 0 : c = cnt+2 : break loop if c = 0 : return "" dupptr folderW, pFolderW, c, 2 folder = cnvwtos(folderW) CoTaskMemFree pFolderW return folder //-------------------------------------- // サブディレクトリ含めたフォルダ削除、コピー //-------------------------------------- #uselib "shell32" #func SHFileOperation "SHFileOperationA" int #deffunc local DeleteFolder str _dir sdim pFrom, 260 pFrom = _dir dim SHFILEOPSTRUCT, 8 SHFILEOPSTRUCT.0 = hWnd SHFILEOPSTRUCT.1 = 0x0003 // FO_DELETE SHFILEOPSTRUCT.2 = varptr( pFrom ) SHFILEOPSTRUCT.3 = 0 SHFILEOPSTRUCT.4 = 0x0114 // FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT SHFileOperation varptr( SHFILEOPSTRUCT ) return stat #deffunc local CopyFolder str _dir_from, str _dir_to sdim pFrom, 260 sdim pTo, 260 pFrom = _dir_from pTo = _dir_to dim SHFILEOPSTRUCT, 8 SHFILEOPSTRUCT.0 = hWnd SHFILEOPSTRUCT.1 = 0x0002 // FO_COPY SHFILEOPSTRUCT.2 = varptr( pFrom ) SHFILEOPSTRUCT.3 = varptr( pTo ) SHFILEOPSTRUCT.4 = 0x0714 // FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR | FOF_NOERRORUI SHFileOperation varptr( SHFILEOPSTRUCT ) return stat //-------------------------------------- // ウィンドウ検索 //-------------------------------------- #uselib "user32.dll" #cfunc FindWindowEx "FindWindowExA" sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr #func GetWindowText "GetWindowTextA" sptr,sptr,sptr #defcfunc local SearchWindow int _oyaHwnd, int _childHwnd, str _sClass, str _mTitle sClass = _sClass : if sClass == "" : sClass = 0 sdim text, 256 childHwnd = _childHwnd repeat childHwnd = FindWindowEx(_oyaHwnd, childHwnd, sClass, 0) if childHwnd == 0 : break if _mTitle == "" : break GetWindowText childHwnd, varptr(text), 256 if match(text, _mTitle) != "" : break loop mref mrefRefstr, 65 if childHwnd != "" : mrefRefstr = text : else : mrefRefstr = "" return childHwnd //-------------------------------------- // プロセスが実行中か確認 // - 「プロセスとモジュールを取得メモ」 // - HSPメモ帳 (Hiro さん) // - https://blog.goo.ne.jp/hiro239415/e/8146d7c0f10246f455b25a2b6e3728f1 //-------------------------------------- #uselib "kernel32.dll" #func CreateToolhelp32Snapshot "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" int,int #func Process32First "Process32First" int , sptr #func Process32Next "Process32Next" int , sptr #func CloseHandle "CloseHandle" int #defcfunc local isRunProcess str processName dim er sdim lbdata , 1024 sdim data , 260 dim hpsnap dim p_entry, 74 dim p_id , 64 CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 0x0f , 0 hpsnap = stat if hpsnap==-1 : return 0 dim p_id , 64 lbdata="" : notesel lbdata p_entry(0) = 296 Process32First hpsnap , varptr(p_entry) er = stat repeat -1 if er == 0 : break getstr data , p_entry , 36 , '\0' noteadd data , -1 p_id(cnt) = p_entry(2) Process32Next hpsnap , varptr(p_entry) er = stat loop #if __hspver__ < 13571 ; HSP3.5beta3未満(本当は3.5beta2未満にしたいがアーカイブ見つからず) _noteg = "" : er = 0 repeat notemax noteget _noteg, cnt : if _noteg == processName : er = 1 : break loop #else // - if __hspver__ < 13571 er = notefind(processName) != -1 #endif // --if __hspver__ < 13571 noteunsel CloseHandle hpsnap return er //-------------------------------------- // ファイルの日時を取得 //-------------------------------------- #uselib "kernel32.dll" #func CreateFile "CreateFileA" sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr #define GENERIC_READ $80000000 #define GENERIC_WRITE 0x40000000 #define FILE_SHARE_READ $00000001 #define FILE_SHARE_WRITE 0x00000002 #define OPEN_EXISTING $00000003 #define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL $00000080 #func GetFileTime "GetFileTime" sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr #func SetFileTime "SetFileTime" sptr,sptr,sptr,sptr #func FileTimeToLocalFileTime "FileTimeToLocalFileTime" sptr,sptr #func FileTimeToSystemTime "FileTimeToSystemTime" sptr,sptr ;#func CloseHandle "CloseHandle" sptr // opt=1 : FILETIME構造体(SYSTEM) -> FILETIME構造体(LOCAL) -> SYSTEMTIME構造体 にする #deffunc local GetFileTimeStamps str _filePath, array FILETIME_1, array FILETIME_2, array FILETIME_3, int opt filePath = _filePath // アクセスできるようにする CreateFile filePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 hFile = stat // ファイルの作成日時を取得する dim FILETIME_1,2 dim FILETIME_2,2 dim FILETIME_3,2 GetFileTime hFile, varptr(FILETIME_1), varptr(FILETIME_2), varptr(FILETIME_3) st = stat if stat!=0 && opt!=0 { // システム時刻に変換する repeat 3 switch cnt case 0 : dup FILETIME,FILETIME_1 : swbreak case 1 : dup FILETIME,FILETIME_2 : swbreak case 2 : dup FILETIME,FILETIME_3 : swbreak swend // ローカル時間に変換する dim FILETIME_LocalTime,2 FileTimeToLocalFileTime varptr(FILETIME), varptr(FILETIME_LocalTime) // システム時間に変換する switch cnt case 0 : dim FILETIME_1,4 : dup SYSTEMTIME,FILETIME_1 : swbreak case 1 : dim FILETIME_2,4 : dup SYSTEMTIME,FILETIME_2 : swbreak case 2 : dim FILETIME_3,4 : dup SYSTEMTIME,FILETIME_3 : swbreak swend FileTimeToSystemTime varptr(FILETIME_LocalTime), varptr(SYSTEMTIME) loop } CloseHandle hFile // ハンドルを閉じる return st //-------------------------------------- // グループボックス //-------------------------------------- #uselib "user32.dll" #func GetWindowLong "GetWindowLongA" int,int #func SetWindowLong "SetWindowLongA" int,int,int #deffunc local grpbox str p1, int p2, int p3 x = p2 : y = p3 mref bmscr,67 ox = bmscr.29 : oy = bmscr.30 : py = bmscr.31 //object size if x = 0 : x = ox if y = 0 : y = oy chk_dummy = 0 objsize x,y, py chkbox p1, chk_dummy st = stat sendmsg objinfo(st,2), 0x00F4/*BM_SETSTYLE*/, 0x0007/*BS_GROUPBOX*/, 1 GetWindowLong objinfo(st,2), 0xFFFFFFEC/*GWL_EXSTYLE*/ SetWindowLong objinfo(st,2), 0xFFFFFFEC/*GWL_EXSTYLE*/, stat | 0x00000020/*WS_EX_TRANSPARENT*/ objsize ox,oy,py ;元に戻す return st //-------------------------------------- // Tooltip //-------------------------------------- #uselib "user32" #func GetClientRect "GetClientRect" int, int #deffunc local SetTooltip int hObj, str _text if tooltip_inited == 0 { // 初期化 gcxy = ginfo_cx, ginfo_cy winobj "tooltips_class32", "", 0, 3 htooltip = objinfo_hwnd(stat) dim tooltipRECT, 4 : tooltipRECT = 3,3,3,3 SendMsg htooltip, $00D3/*TTM_SETMARGIN*/, 0, varptr(tooltipRECT) ; マージン SendMsg htooltip, $0418/*TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH*/, 0, 640 ; tipwidth SendMsg htooltip, $0403/*TTM_SETDELAYTIME*/, 2, 30000 ; 表示時間 dim TOOLINFO, 11 pos gcxy(0), gcxy(1) } text = _text GetClientRect hObj, varptr(tooltipRECT) TOOLINFO(0) = 40, $10, hObj, 0, tooltipRECT.0, tooltipRECT.1, tooltipRECT.2, tooltipRECT.3, 0, varptr(text) SendMsg htooltip, $0404/*TTM_ADDTOOL*/, 0, varptr(TOOLINFO) return //-------------------------------------- // mod_MSZip : Cabinet.dllを使用した圧縮解凍モジュール // - HSPメモ帳 (Hiro さん) // - https://blog.goo.ne.jp/hiro239415/e/fe657bd57b6d2de0c4855c0578452dd9 // - qrcodelib.dllが無い場合出力するために使わせて頂きます。 //-------------------------------------- #uselib "kernel32.dll" #func GetLastError "GetLastError" #uselib "Cabinet.dll" #func CreateDecompressor "CreateDecompressor" int,int,var #func CloseDecompressor "CloseDecompressor" int #func Decompress "Decompress" int,var,int,int,int,var #uselib "Crypt32.dll" #func CryptStringToBinary "CryptStringToBinaryA" sptr,int,int,int,var,int,int hcomp=0 #deffunc local MSZipDecomp int msz_size, var msz_src, var msz_dst ds = 0 if ( msz_size ){ ss = msz_size } else { ss = varsize(msz_src) } CreateDecompressor 2, 0, hComp if ( stat ){ Decompress hComp, msz_src, ss, 0, 0, ds GetLastError if ( stat == 122 ){ sdim buf, ds Decompress hComp, msz_src, ss, varptr(buf), ds, ds if ( stat ){ sdim msz_dst, ds : memcpy msz_dst, buf, ds } else { ds = 0 } buf = 0 } CloseDecompressor hComp } return ds #deffunc local MSZipFromCode str msz_src, var msz_dst CryptStringToBinary msz_src, 0, 1, 0, ds, 0, 0 if ( stat == 0 ){ return 0 } sdim d, ds CryptStringToBinary msz_src, 0, 1, varptr(d), ds, 0, 0 if ( stat ){ MSZipDecomp ds, d, msz_dst } d = 0 return ds /* - 使用ライブラリ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- qrcodelib.dll _ Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Kentaro Fukuchi QRコードを生成するための高速かつコンパクトなライブラリ ・ライセンス :GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) ・バイナリ頒布先: http://code.google.com/p/qrencode-win32/ ・ソースコード : https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode ・HSP3コード参考: https://codetter.com/?p=525 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Kentaro Fukuchi This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999 Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. [This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence the version number 2.1.] Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that the original author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others. Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs. When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the library. We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances. For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system. Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version of the Library. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must be combined with the library in order to run. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is addressed as "you". A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the library. Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the Library. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) The modified work must itself be a software library. b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful. (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used by this function must be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square root function must still compute square roots.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in these notices. Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library. 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange. If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License. However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under Section 6.) Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications. You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things: a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.) b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution. d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you distribute. 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things: a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above. b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it. 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the ordinary General Public License). To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. , 1 April 1990 Ty Coon, President of Vice That's all there is to it! */ mszip_dst = "" #deffunc local OutputQrcodelibDll str _dir mszip = {"ClHlwBgATgIAagAAAAAAAABqAAAAAAAAxTkAAENL7X17XFNXtvBJzgGOEkmqUaml Sm3ascXaQADBIL7AV30EA4lWIbUSB1CBQlK1ExAbMsNhm45zp/PoTO837e28X33M fI6dmXYCURBrWx+tpbWdWuu0B6MtfQG+ON9a++xAQNu59/vu98f33Yu/nXPOXnuv vfbaa6299tr7HFfeu5fjOY4TICkKx+3n1L/53D//64WUNO3PSdwfx7x8y37Nipdv Ka6orE+trav5et3GbambNlZX13hS73en1nmrUyurUwtW21O31ZS7Z40bN9bEcKx/ P/LstIcDZ6KpZfHlM1PhmlMweCaFXgfYc+TMzfQqn5kA17eD3fR52sPNZ+bQ/P4z k+lVYeWv0uuayk0ViDdKs62Q41Zo4rhL2X9cGc07zWlvSdSIHLcUHqaqec+tgR8D pPvoo4Hea1U+cdzwlXtGfai9QMFqJUPsVb3U1nFcPjD6SjXH5WHmXo77reY6TH2C 484Domeg3ZSv4P2hbaPGCMo//hXlZ3ncOzxwTV7CCFoa2wn1LxWwzKor3+jZyHG/ n8j6PgnSipHloN35s9RiXG88/DSpvOHuv6ZcaFZdfd0mjvV1LytXfh18de6tNVCw 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kHoh1UJeLzgavbkABxtvhlQLKQROjQ0mPwPY+15IqZimqY7SMzAPhOB6GibIJyB9 H9r4BaT9kF6CJEO6AskItGZDKoZ0H6RvQPo2pL9CehWSDKkfUhws0sdDyoBUCKkI UhmkRkjf8aKvNQl8vQlghG4Av8wIfkki+FhJ4FePBd9JBF8njq0N4sH/GccNW0hk ZtEaqlIrKlE7UJdjM+orHxrKUHVxWXWt13OdLLunzrvJ461zl48EQn5l9devl5dz f6Xny/K/Gtu1UEZ4JVLiUsGujbW17uryKL0jQNcrXlld766LaXgBrb4U5NVdVz+6 cLV7++gsED3bxrpKz84hgErA0OOmCjeYg+jTCBK+7vYU1tXV1C2qAYXYhKq3wv2g e2ss3AFUQP5QViwFcJ8x9FD/T3DVX4urvnZrpYc9FNeo/fm/EP/FqPyzN/6tIOpH mI2c4QlIILSGWki9kPZO4gypkznDM5P/68TF/6v9CSwKwmxx0+h8rbreuSZ/jMBi 2XvVWOtZFhDJ21hf7952/9adqTu2ba2unzvdW1c9px7UbdvG+ru2VW6qq6mv2ey5 C+baORvrt816MH16KsxYlZvd9VFNmDs9fZZ5ev64sampeeVu1FowNzvpc0yOZwFr hwEAFG15GYJB91PRT5g7fXtltSVjeiq6CnOnr4xSMMuxCDyfRWuKp6c+GG03Z5Z5 VpY52wzX6fi/meBEWFO3oG5TRaXHTQ3R3Ok7crIB5r1/a+Wme9w7i2u2uJHgzZty 7rfcn7sx3Z2e47bcPz0/7+7R1EQ7cPf1ezCcT/s6XD/ftsC2oKBg2aola9eym/+M Z9ToDbieNueZ15rrzc+Yz5mF9MXpP0znMuZkPJTx1wwl4zFLb449977cxtxv5f4s 95Ncw5wpczLmzJtjn/PDOS/NybbOt263dub15tnn1s29M//ueffO+/a8g/PUxSbG /O3mB8x/Mh8xp6WvSf9xuiZjRsa2jN9lTLG8YvnEkpf5l8y3Mq9mLsxqzfpx1oGs S1mZ2RXZgewD2ZezvzE7Lac4pzrnyZwjOQtyH809kdswp3nO7+aUWB+1HrOm5pG8 n+bp5wbmvjY3Kb8xP5D/RP7t8zbOe3YeCirug/zM/K45LmN+RnlGRcbWjNoMT8ZP MuItOZY8y3xLgWWpZbPl55awZVzm9MwtmZ9nDmReyeSyhCxT1v1Zidm+7EPZR7KP Zr+W3Z39UfbC2ctmb5odnn149k05i3P25HTn9Ofcllub+4fc47mf52bO8c1ZZd1q fcTaZZ2ftySPn3vf3O/OPTeXy/8wP3Xe1+blzls274l5n827PE8NmiC/w+Z56T9P fy59m+WmTHPmksyizPLMC5marLuz1me9nNWWrZttnH1s9gM57+XcPWflnAfmZFgv Wf8174U8Oe/43F/ln8rfPu87856at39e27zD816d9/68j+epmzb43Z2x5vHmm8y3 m63mBeZ15m3mh83fMgfNvzT/zvy8uQPG4TXzBfNn5vj0xPTk9K+l56UvTC9Kr073 pj+Uviu9Jf2R9J+k/zW9K/299MyMjRm/yngn4/2MnoyPM77IuJyhtYyxGCyTLVMt t1lmWjKBkwUWm2WdpcxSbqm2bLc8bHnE8l3LU5ZfWn5v+aPlsOWYpdvyAYxyvyUx MzUzLXNFpj3zvswfZD4Oox7KLMnalBXK6sg6knU8682svqyF2Uuy12c3ZpPsH2T/ JPsX2X/IfiP73exz2b3ZfdlXsrWzxdlJwBV1TYZxjF+aj0JfhHwx/5n8/fl/ze/O /zx/IF/9/2jQjhnMRnOyOcWcajaZZ5hnmv/byl/7978A"} MSZipFromCode mszip, mszip_dst bsave _dir + "\\qrcodelib.dll", mszip_dst, stat return // ezphp.phpが必要だけど無いときに出力 #deffunc local OutputEzphpPhp str _dir buf = {" 0){ \ $retVar = fread($fp, $fileSize); \ } else { \ $retVar = ''; \ } \ flock($fp, LOCK_UN); \ } else { \ $retVar = '#Error - failed to open file'; \ } \ fclose($fp); \ return $retVar; } // ezphp_save function func_save( $postKey, $postVal ){ \ if(!preg_match("/^save\\//", $postKey)){ \ return '#Error - no save folder selected'; \ } \ if(!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\/\\-\\._]+$/", $postKey) || preg_match("/\\.\\.\\//", $postKey)){ \ return '#Error - invalid file name'; \ } \ $pathInfo = pathinfo($postKey); \ $directoryPath = $pathInfo['dirname']; \ if(!is_dir($directoryPath)){ \ mkdir($directoryPath, 0777, true); \ } \ if(!file_exists($postKey)){ \ $fp = fopen($postKey,"w"); \ if($fp == false) \ return '#Error - Could not create file'; \ flock($fp,2); \ fputs($fp,""); \ fclose($fp); \ chmod($postKey,0644); \ } \ $retVar = ''; \ $fp = fopen($postKey, 'w'); \ if(flock($fp, LOCK_EX)){ \ fwrite($fp, $postVal); \ fflush($fp); \ flock($fp, LOCK_UN); \ } else { \ $retVar = '#Error - failed to save file'; \ } \ fclose($fp); \ return $retVar; } // ezphp_sql function func_sql( $postKey, $postVal, $needsRetJson ){ \ $prms = []; \ do { \ if(!isset($_POST['ph1'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph1']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph2'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph2']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph3'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph3']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph4'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph4']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph5'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph5']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph6'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph6']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph7'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph7']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph8'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph8']; \ if(!isset($_POST['ph9'])) break; \ $prms[] = $_POST['ph9']; \ } while(false); \ try{ \ $db = new PDO('sqlite:'.$postKey); \ $stmt = $db->prepare($postVal); \ $stmt->execute($prms); \ if( strtoupper(substr(trim($postVal),0,6)) == 'SELECT' ){ \ if($needsRetJson){ \ header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); \ return json_encode($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); \ }else { \ $isFirst = true; \ $retVar = ''; \ while( $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ){ \ foreach ($row as $key => $value){ \ if($isFirst){ \ $isFirst = false; \ }else{ \ $retVar .= "\\r\\n"; \ } \ $retVar .= $key.':'.str_replace(["\\r\\n", "\\r", "\\n"], '
', $value); \ } \ } \ return $retVar; \ } \ } \ return ''; \ } catch (Exception $e) { \ echo '#Error - ' . $e->getMessage(); \ exit; \ } } "} notesel buf if (hspstat & $20000) == 0 { // shifjis -> utf8 nkfcnv@ buf, buf, "Sw", , strlen(buf)*2 } notesave _dir + "\\ezphp.php" noteunsel return //-------------------------------------- // 追加命令(global) - ezjs時や非_debug時にも必要 //-------------------------------------- device_type = 0 // 未初期化対処 #defcfunc dishjs_devtype if dir_exe!="" : return 0 if device_type != 0 : return device_type exec {" let deviceType = 1; const agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if( /iphone|ipod/.test(agent) ){ deviceType = 2; }else if(/ipad|macintosh/.test(agent) && "ontouchend" in document){ deviceType = 3; }else if(/android.+mobile/.test(agent)){ deviceType = 4; }else if(/android/.test(agent)){ deviceType = 5; } HEAP32["}+varptr(device_type)+{" >> 2] = deviceType; "} return device_type #global onerror goto *err_note@ezLocalDishJs : if 0 : *err_note@ezLocalDishJs : if 1 { dialog "【起動について】\n\nezLocalJS コマンドも必須なので書いてください。\n\n----------\n\n【起動させないためには】\n\nもし、一時的に ezlocal-dish-js を使いたくないという場合は、\n\n#include \"ezlocal-dish-js.hsp\"\nezlocalJS\n\n両方の行をコメントアウトしてください。", 1, "ezlocal-dish-js" end end stop } #endif // --ifndef _debug #endif // --ifndef ezlocal_dish_js #if 0 // hs ファイル ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %type 拡張命令 %url https://github.com/MIZUSHIKI/HSP-Module %port Win %index ezLocalJS HSP3Dish.js のローカル動作環境を構築と HSP3Dish helper の実行補助 %group ツール実行命令 %prm p1,p2 p1=0〜3(0) : 自動操作オプション p2=0〜 : 自動チェックオプション %inst HSP3Dish.js をローカルで動作させる為の環境としてnginxを自動でインストールできます。 画面に表示される案内を読みインストールボタンを押してください。 (nginxはレジストリを書き換えません。) インストール後は下記のような HSP3Dish helper の実行補助を行います。 ・HSP3Dish helper 起動とファイル名等の指定 (+出力HTMLの調整) ・nginx(ローカルサーバ)の起動 ・テスト用ディレクトリへのファイルコピー ・ローカル実行URLへのリンク表示 ・QRコードを利用してスマホからローカル実行URLへ簡単にアクセス 【環境のアンインストールについて】 インストールする nginxはレジストリを書き換えません。 「C:\nginx」フォルダを削除すればアンインストール完了です。 スクリプトの微調整時に何回もボタンを押さなくて良いように p1:自動操作オプション を設けました。 オプション数値でどこまで自動操作させるかは以下の通りです。 html{
p1>=1 『HSP3Dish helper が起動済みなら』ソーススクリプト欄にファイル名を入力(「HSP3Dish helper 起動」ボタンを押したことにする)
p1>=2 HSP3Dish helper の「変換」ボタンを自動で押す
p1>=3 『ローカルサーバ(nginx.exe)が起動済みなら』htmlリンクを自動クリックしてブラウザでゲームを表示する
}html p2:自動チェックオプション を設けました。 HSP3Dish helperのチェックオプションに自動でチェックを付けることができます。 複数チェックしたいときは数値を足し合わせてください。 html{
p2:1 『HGIMG4を使用する』
メインソースに#include "hgimg4.as"があればチェックされますが、このオプションを指定すると強制的にチェックを付けられます。
p2:2 『WebAssemblyを使用する』
p2:4 『デバッグ情報を出力する』
}html %sample #include "hsp3dish.as" #include "ezlocal-dish-js.hsp" ezLocalJS // このモジュールを使用しないときは ezLocalJS の行だけでなく // #include "ezlocal-dish-js.hsp" の行もコメントアウトしてください。 /* // ブラウザへのデータ保存の仕方 // ・ezlocal-dish-jsツールのオプション「ブラウザ上にデータ保存できるようにする」をチェック data="保存データ" bsave "save/data.txt", data ; ← saveフォルダを指定。パス指定時は必ず「/」で区切る。 devcontrol "syncfs" */ %href #dishjs_font dishjs_devtype %index #dishjs_font フォント設定 %group プリプロセッサ命令 %prm "fontname",p1,p2,p3 "fontname" : フォント名またはフォントファイル名 p1=2,4,8〜(1) : フォント解像度倍率 p2 : 文字描画幅を調整する整数値 p3 : 文字描画高さを調整する整数値 %inst mes命令などで表示するフォントを変更します。 HSP3Dish.jsでは、使用できるフォントはシステム上1種類のみになっています。 "fontname"は、htmlでフォントを指定する要領で記述してください。 「sans-serif」や「monospace」を指定することもできます。 また、複数のフォント候補を指定することで1つ目の候補が表示できなければ2つ目で表示するといったことができます。 例)#dishjs_font "'MS P明朝','ヒラギノ明朝'" "fontname"に「*.ttf」等のフォントファイルを指定することも出来ます。 その場合、スクリプトファイルと同じ場所にフォントファイルを置いてください。 ezlocal-dish-jsがhtmlファイル等をテスト用ディレクトリにコピーする際にフォントファイルもコピーします。 html等をサーバへアップロードする際はフォントファイルも一緒にアップロードしてください。 注意:フリーフォント等を使用する際は利用規約をよく読み、必ずライセンスに従ってください。 p1でフォントの解像度を上げられます。 指定した倍率で大きく描画したものを通常のサイズに縮小コピーする形で文字のにじみを軽減するような効果が得られます。 倍率を上げるほど処理に負担が掛かるようになるので注意してください。 p2,p3で文字を描画する際の幅と高さを調整できます。 設定したフォントの文字の右端や下端が切れて表示されない場合に変更してください。 ※ このコマンドを使用した場合、hsp3dish.jsとhtmlの中身が一部書き換えられます。 %sample #include "hsp3dish.as" #include "ezlocal-dish-js.hsp" ezLocalJS #dishjs_font "misaki_gothic_2nd.ttf", 2 ;#dishjs_font "k8x12S.ttf", 1, 0, 2 ;#dishjs_font "monospace" ;#dishjs_font "'MS P明朝','ヒラギノ明朝'" mes "フォント変更(システム上1種類のみ)" redraw 1 %href ezLocalJS dishjs_devtype %index delete ブラウザ上データのファイル削除(HSP3Dish.js) %group ファイル操作命令 %prm "filename" "filename" : 削除するデータのファイル名 %inst # 標準のdelete命令をHSP3dish.js用に上書きしています。 "filename"で指定したブラウザ上データのファイルを削除します。 delete実行後、ファイル削除を有効にするために必ず「devcontrol "syncfs"」を実行する必要があります。 指定したファイルが存在しないか、書式が間違っている場合はエラーですべての処理が止まります。 delete命令を実行する前に exist命令でファイルの有無を確認するようにしてください。 %sample %href ezLocalJS #dishjs_font dishjs_devtype %index dishjs_devtype どのデバイスで実行しているかを調べる %group 拡張入出力関数 %prm () %inst 現在実行しているデバイスの種類を示す値を返します。 返される値は以下の通りです。 1 : PCブラウザ 2 : iPhone 3 : iPad 4 : Android Mobile 5 : Android タブレット %sample #include "hsp3dish.as" #include "ezlocal-dish-js.hsp" ezLocalJS mes dishjs_devtype() redraw 1 %href ezLocalJS #dishjs_font % // /hs ファイル ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ================================================================================ - Changelogs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.7 2025/ 1/ 3 --------------------- - HGIMG4使用時に自動チェックするなどHGIMG4対応とサンプル(sample8,9)を追加同梱 - 実行しているデバイスの環境を調べるdishjs_devtype関数を追加 - ezLocalJS命令に自動チェックオプションを追加 - mtinfo,mousex(y)ズレ補正をlayerobj利用でなくredrawの再定義で行うように変更 - wpeek,lpeek,wpoke,lpokeのメモリアライメント問題を上書き修正 - モジュールを二重定義されないようにした - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 2.6 2024/11/ 2 --------------------- - delete命令を上書きしてブラウザ上のデータファイルを削除できるようにした - #dishjs_fontでフォント解像度や文字描画領域を調整できるようにした - 動作表示解像度違いズレ補正がマウスドラッグ時mousex(y)を更新できないバグを修正 - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 2.5 2024/10/30 --------------------- - ezphpsave,ezphploadにハッシュを利用した内容変更検出機能を追加 - #dishjs_fontコマンドを追加しフォントを変更できるようにした - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 2.4.1 2024/10/26 --------------------- - ezphploadでサイズが0byteのファイルを読み込むとエラーが出るのを修正 2.4 2024/10/26 --------------------- - ezphpsave,ezphploadにsaveフォルダ内かつ英数記号文字の制限を設けた - 動作解像度と表示解像度が異なるときのmtinfo,mousex(y)のズレを補正するようにした - 「デバッグ情報を出力する」でのlogmes表示に改行が含まれると起こるバグを修正 - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 2.3 2024/10/ 9 --------------------- - ezLocalJS命令に自動操作オプションを追加 - 「デバッグ情報を出力する」時にlogmes内容を下部の黒いシステムメッセージボックス に表示(オプションでOFFまたはconsole.log化可能) - 「ブラウザ上データ保存」に関して勘違いにより制限を注意喚起していたが文言を削除 - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 2.2 2024/ 9/22 --------------------- - ゲームパッドを利用できるようにするモジュールとサンプル(sample5)を追加同梱 - C:\nginxフォルダにPHP-FPMが入っていない場合の処理を追加 - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 2.1 2024/ 9/10 --------------------- - PHP-FPM(PHP実行環境)もインストールすることにした - ezphp.phpや新規サンプル(sample2,sample3)を追加同梱 - オプションにスマホ横向き全画面FIT(β機能)を追加。サンプル(sample4)追加同梱。 - オプションの表示解像度調整対象からタブレットを除外 - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 2.0.1 2024/ 8/26 --------------------- - ローカルIP取得が上手くいかないことがあったのでWi-Fi項目を優先取得に修正 2.0 2024/ 8/23 --------------------- - インストールするローカルサーバ環境をXAMPPからnginxに変更 -のrootフォルダをデフォルト値でなく設定値を調べるようにした - IPv4アドレスの取得を英語版でも取得できるように修正 - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 1.1 2024/ 8/20 --------------------- - 二重起動防止の方法を起動させないのでなく前回のウィンドウを消すことに変更 - HTML調整でシステムメッセージとコントロール非表示のタイミングを変更 - HTML調整で画面サイズに合わせた表示解像度化をスマホだけでなくタブレットにも適用 - 画面サイズ指定されてることが明らかなのにhsp3dish.iniがない場合に警告を表示 - hsp3dish.iniオプションのsx,syに文字列の指定も可能にした - hsp3dish.ini作成時やdataファルダの有無注意喚起時にdotfw.asを考慮するようにした - hspinet,mod_regexpを独自関数登録していたがincludeに戻した - その他の細かい箇所の変更と修正 1.0.1 2024/ 8/18 --------------------- - hsドキュメント追加(モジュール内) - オプションの非対象バージョン時OFFと変数定義位置修正 1.0 2024/ 8/16 --------------------- - 公開 ================================================================================ #endif